warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
24 de dez. de 2010, 02:57
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

since many question for the subject,post any of the answers or other question related with it here. other thread will be close for easy discussion in here.


wizard_male Awaw w10 Offline
8 de jan. de 2014, 15:17
Topics: 3 Posts: 14

where cyclop white

Superdry w32 Offline
16 de fev. de 2014, 11:36
Topics: 3 Posts: 63

D Banuna, portal fire island

Dear GM make Everyone got credit platinum each day for online char.
warrior_male Zeroboyz w30 Offline
18 de fev. de 2014, 09:20
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

Gmana cranya ques npc harbol di bnuna??
Superdry w32 Offline
18 de fev. de 2014, 12:20
Topics: 3 Posts: 63

Lo harus hidupkan api unggun ny ad empat ato lima tmpat, klo bsa lo berdua klo sndiri agak susah karna haru lari lewatin monster sblom api ny hilang.

Dear GM make Everyone got credit platinum each day for online char.
warrior_male Zeroboyz w30 Offline
24 de fev. de 2014, 10:42
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

Superdry [32] escrevi:
Lo harus hidupkan api unggun ny ad empat ato lima tmpat, klo bsa lo berdua klo sndiri agak susah karna haru lari lewatin monster sblom api ny hilang.
Tq tq..
Superdry w32 Offline
24 de fev. de 2014, 11:25
Topics: 3 Posts: 63

Sipp bro, ad lima tempat kan. Gw habis cek lg..wk

Dear GM make Everyone got credit platinum each day for online char.
wizard_male Fumakila w15 Offline
21 de mar. de 2014, 12:13
Topics: 1 Posts: 19

tanya quest Yao yg yabutu dong...
itu gimana questnya gak paham gw :lol:

Bug hunter™
warrior_male Prgy w18 Offline
2 de abr. de 2014, 07:52
Topics: 0 Posts: 4

Awaw [10] escrevi:
where cyclop white
berseclops removed from game...
warrior_male Prgy w18 Offline
2 de abr. de 2014, 08:03
Topics: 0 Posts: 4

achievements that often people ask about..
A Steady Stone- Rake 15 000 steps at Yabutu garden.. (2 Points)
Rebel with a Cause- Kill 200 Furballs (1 Point)
Sauna Lover- Enter in Demon cave take gold from tomb and take partchment ( 1 Point) :D
Superdry w32 Offline
27 de jul. de 2014, 10:43
Topics: 3 Posts: 63

Cyclop putih masih ad broo,

Dear GM make Everyone got credit platinum each day for online char.
warrior_male Angra w29 Offline
22 de dez. de 2014, 10:58
Topics: 2 Posts: 10

hi gm.why my char nosferatu never get achievement "dune jumper" have 9portal in solamar. And "piratte masterrrrr" never been updated to me.why?

wizard_male Mrtroyz w5 Offline
22 de dez. de 2014, 14:09
Topics: 1 Posts: 117

Please send your character name and gameworld to support@tibiame.com with the problem you having right now. Thank you.

;-) Don't make any trouble please;-)
warrior_male Angra w29 Offline
25 de jan. de 2015, 06:49
Topics: 2 Posts: 10

thank you gm. By the way where is the npc that upgrading arm 79. I can't find and i'm always in tired finding that npc upgrade arm 79. Can u tell the name and where is it?

wizard_male Mrtroyz w5 Offline
25 de jan. de 2015, 07:54
Topics: 1 Posts: 117

Find Npc Wieland above depot and a little to the left at Erebos Island. Thanks for supporting wap.Tibia-ME.net :)

;-) Don't make any trouble please;-)
warrior_male Angra w29 Offline
21 de fev. de 2015, 00:56
Topics: 2 Posts: 10

MO-Mrtroyz w5 escrevi:
Please send your character name and gameworld to support@tibiame.com with the problem you having right now. Thank you.
hi have a gud day. I did it 5x but didn't work.how is the 2nd way to get that achievement?

wizard_female Lolypop w30 Offline
27 de mar. de 2015, 03:24
Topics: 1 Posts: 1

npc thucy in solahmar
warrior_male Angra w29 Offline
12 de abr. de 2015, 03:01
Topics: 2 Posts: 10

achievement big calmer:
what day will be appear that footprint when we rake it.anyone knows it? Almost 3months always check that place

warrior_male Prgy w18 Offline
24 de abr. de 2015, 10:57
Topics: 0 Posts: 4

you can rake it any day you want.. drop rake, walk through white sand, pick up rake, clean footprints and re-do it over and over again..
wizard_male Mrtroyz w5 Offline
24 de abr. de 2015, 12:41
Topics: 1 Posts: 117

Prgy w18 escrevi:
you can rake it any day you want.. drop rake, walk through white sand, pick up rake, clean footprints and re-do it over and over again..
Nice job. Keep it up. xD

;-) Don't make any trouble please;-)
warrior_male Prgy w18 Offline
24 de abr. de 2015, 12:59
Topics: 0 Posts: 4

if you have any other questions about achievements e-mail me any time you want and i will answer when i have time..

warrior_male Angra w29 Offline
6 de set. de 2015, 12:31
Topics: 2 Posts: 10

thank y'all. Well thanks to this a.c got it.

wizard_male Acum w7 Offline
17 de nov. de 2015, 06:05
Topics: 0 Posts: 4

I know it's out of topic but can someone teach me how to download tibiame java on android. Hava a good day y'all.
Chloe w9 Offline
9 de jan. de 2019, 05:58
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

Spiritual Hunter and Speed hunting trophy can someone explain how to do it?
Sartassa w2 Offline
14 de out. de 2023, 18:25
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

How to get the achievement Tentacle Day?
Tried spirit catcher on Tentacles but didnt work
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