Ltblackzin, w36

Vocation wizard wizard
Level 185
EP 948 064 632
Next level 17 822 218
Global rank 2823 / wizard 1198
World rank ? / wizard 61
PvP rank -
Achievements rank ? / wizard 90
Achievements points 206
Guild P E A C E
Max daily gain May 26, 2024 \ LVL 185 \ +198 745
Min daily gain -
Updated less than hour ago.
Loading chart data...
Date Rank Level Experience
6/2/24 00:05 ? / wizard 77 185 947 526 465 +0
6/1/24 00:05 ? / wizard 76 185 947 525 383 +1 082
5/30/24 00:05 ? / wizard 74 185 947 189 553 ?
5/29/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 185 947 189 553 +0
5/28/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 185 947 036 555 +152 998
5/27/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 185 947 012 517 +24 038
5/26/24 00:05 ? / wizard 74 185 946 813 772 +198 745
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