Fii, w37

Vocation wizard wizard
Level 284
EP 5 327 895 545
Next level 55 825 715
Global rank 111 / wizard 28
World rank 8 / wizard 2
PvP rank -
Achievements rank 80 / wizard 30
Achievements points 325
Guild Beast Mode
Max daily gain Dec 29, 2023 \ LVL 278 \ +4 100 290
Min daily gain Mar 26, 2023 \ LVL 271 \ +0
Updated less than hour ago.
Loading chart data...
Date Rank Level Experience
6/2/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 217 513 146 +2 558 712
6/1/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 215 329 372 +2 183 774
5/30/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 210 366 050 ?
5/29/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 207 570 754 +2 795 296
5/28/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 205 036 697 +2 534 057
5/27/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 202 458 462 +2 578 235
5/26/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 200 468 554 +1 989 908
5/25/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 197 956 598 +2 511 956
5/24/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 195 697 150 +2 259 448
5/23/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 192 939 600 +2 757 550
5/22/24 00:05 9 / wizard 2 282 5 190 441 686 +2 497 914
5/21/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 188 017 462 +2 424 224
5/20/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 185 112 566 +2 904 896
5/19/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 182 911 323 +2 201 243
5/18/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 180 753 082 +2 158 241
5/17/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 177 808 102 +2 944 980
5/16/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 175 230 757 +2 577 345
5/15/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 282 5 172 479 361 +2 751 396
5/14/24 00:05 9 / wizard 2 282 5 169 517 066 +2 962 295
5/13/24 00:05 9 / wizard 2 282 5 166 601 959 +2 915 107
5/12/24 00:05 10 / wizard 2 282 5 164 435 539 +2 166 420
5/11/24 00:05 10 / wizard 2 282 5 161 869 247 +2 566 292
5/10/24 00:05 9 / wizard 2 281 5 158 655 193 +3 214 054
5/9/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 281 5 155 893 083 +2 762 110
5/8/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 281 5 153 049 515 +2 843 568
5/7/24 00:05 8 / wizard 2 281 5 150 499 570 +2 549 945
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