Faikuii, w33

Vocation wizard wizard
Level 229
EP 2 259 570 547
Next level 12 610 963
Global rank 1163 / wizard 386
World rank ? / wizard 32
PvP rank 27
Achievements rank 33 / wizard 11
Achievements points 407
Guild Main Land
Max daily gain May 1, 2023 \ LVL 206 \ +6 292 907
Min daily gain Feb 13, 2023 \ LVL 201 \ +0
Updated less than hour ago.
Loading chart data...
Date Rank Level Experience
6/2/24 00:05 100 / wizard 34 221 1 940 630 766 +1 466 781
6/1/24 00:05 ? / wizard 35 221 1 939 282 333 +1 348 433
5/30/24 00:05 ? / wizard 36 221 1 936 433 440 ?
5/29/24 00:05 ? / wizard 36 221 1 935 077 106 +1 356 334
5/28/24 00:05 ? / wizard 36 220 1 933 697 661 +1 379 445
5/27/24 00:05 ? / wizard 36 220 1 932 095 680 +1 601 981
5/26/24 00:05 ? / wizard 36 220 1 930 327 809 +1 767 871
5/25/24 00:05 ? / wizard 35 220 1 928 817 883 +1 509 926
5/24/24 00:05 ? / wizard 36 220 1 927 659 027 +1 158 856
5/23/24 00:05 99 / wizard 35 220 1 926 303 398 +1 355 629
5/22/24 00:05 100 / wizard 35 220 1 924 702 575 +1 600 823
5/21/24 00:05 100 / wizard 35 220 1 923 337 049 +1 365 526
5/20/24 00:05 ? / wizard 35 220 1 922 170 840 +1 166 209
5/19/24 00:05 ? / wizard 35 220 1 920 739 453 +1 431 387
5/18/24 00:05 ? / wizard 35 220 1 919 462 353 +1 277 100
5/17/24 00:05 ? / wizard 35 220 1 918 049 944 +1 412 409
5/16/24 00:05 ? / wizard 35 220 1 916 699 045 +1 350 899
5/15/24 00:05 ? / wizard 34 220 1 915 321 803 +1 377 242
5/14/24 00:05 ? / wizard 34 220 1 913 942 914 +1 378 889
5/13/24 00:05 ? / wizard 34 220 1 912 580 167 +1 362 747
5/12/24 00:05 ? / wizard 36 220 1 911 224 493 +1 355 674
5/11/24 00:05 ? / wizard 36 220 1 909 728 327 +1 496 166
5/10/24 00:05 ? / wizard 36 220 1 908 428 961 +1 299 366
5/9/24 00:05 ? / wizard 36 220 1 906 951 172 +1 477 789
5/8/24 00:05 ? / wizard 36 220 1 905 635 889 +1 315 283
5/7/24 00:05 ? / wizard 36 220 1 904 244 136 +1 391 753
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