Mildseven, w37

Vocation wizard wizard
Level 246
EP 2 984 768 650
Next level 42 796 810
Global rank 652 / wizard 195
World rank 34 / wizard 12
PvP rank -
Achievements rank 45 / wizard 18
Achievements points 355
Guild Beast Mode
Max daily gain Apr 16, 2024 \ LVL 238 \ +3 839 642
Min daily gain Jun 27, 2024 \ LVL 235 \ -276 292 714
Updated less than hour ago.
Loading chart data...
Date Rank Level Experience
6/2/24 00:05 26 / wizard 7 240 2 725 849 598 +742 641
6/1/24 00:05 26 / wizard 7 240 2 723 701 474 +2 148 124
5/30/24 00:05 26 / wizard 7 240 2 718 579 559 ?
5/29/24 00:05 27 / wizard 7 240 2 716 042 582 +2 536 977
5/28/24 00:05 27 / wizard 7 240 2 713 630 632 +2 411 950
5/27/24 00:05 27 / wizard 7 240 2 711 109 024 +2 521 608
5/26/24 00:05 27 / wizard 7 240 2 709 000 418 +2 108 606
5/25/24 00:05 27 / wizard 7 240 2 706 742 057 +2 258 361
5/24/24 00:05 28 / wizard 8 240 2 704 317 624 +2 424 433
5/23/24 00:05 29 / wizard 8 240 2 701 977 558 +2 340 066
5/22/24 00:05 31 / wizard 8 240 2 699 513 459 +2 464 099
5/21/24 00:05 30 / wizard 8 240 2 697 048 973 +2 464 486
5/20/24 00:05 30 / wizard 8 239 2 694 562 125 +2 486 848
5/19/24 00:05 29 / wizard 7 239 2 693 480 485 +1 081 640
5/18/24 00:05 29 / wizard 7 239 2 692 381 069 +1 099 416
5/17/24 00:05 29 / wizard 7 239 2 689 865 736 +2 515 333
5/16/24 00:05 30 / wizard 7 239 2 687 485 965 +2 379 771
5/15/24 00:05 30 / wizard 7 239 2 685 019 270 +2 466 695
5/14/24 00:05 31 / wizard 7 239 2 685 019 270 +0
5/13/24 00:05 31 / wizard 7 239 2 682 214 999 +2 804 271
5/12/24 00:05 32 / wizard 7 239 2 680 664 598 +1 550 401
5/11/24 00:05 32 / wizard 7 239 2 678 603 201 +2 061 397
5/10/24 00:05 31 / wizard 7 239 2 676 040 774 +2 562 427
5/9/24 00:05 31 / wizard 7 239 2 673 517 875 +2 522 899
5/8/24 00:05 31 / wizard 7 239 2 671 054 494 +2 463 381
5/7/24 00:05 31 / wizard 7 239 2 668 788 560 +2 265 934
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