Pssymagic, w2

Vocation wizard wizard
Level 206
EP 1 457 871 667
Next level 28 626 393
Global rank 2110 / wizard 806
World rank ? / wizard 68
PvP rank -
Achievements rank ? / wizard ?
Achievements points 241
Guild Game Over
Max daily gain Dec 21, 2023 \ LVL 184 \ +2 556 441
Min daily gain Dec 14, 2023 \ LVL 183 \ +0
Updated less than hour ago.
Loading chart data...
Date Rank Level Experience
6/2/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 196 1 214 165 758 +48 554
6/1/24 00:05 ? / wizard 72 196 1 212 705 847 +1 459 911
5/30/24 00:05 ? / wizard 72 196 1 211 237 924 ?
5/29/24 00:05 ? / wizard 72 196 1 209 382 739 +1 855 185
5/28/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 196 1 207 648 618 +1 734 121
5/27/24 00:05 ? / wizard 74 196 1 205 500 567 +2 148 051
5/26/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 196 1 203 519 019 +1 981 548
5/25/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 196 1 201 736 123 +1 782 896
5/24/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 196 1 199 636 920 +2 099 203
5/23/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 196 1 197 484 751 +2 152 169
5/22/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 196 1 195 232 599 +2 252 152
5/21/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 196 1 193 023 500 +2 209 099
5/20/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 195 1 191 145 641 +1 877 859
5/19/24 00:05 ? / wizard 72 195 1 191 144 773 +868
5/18/24 00:05 ? / wizard 72 195 1 189 758 707 +1 386 066
5/17/24 00:05 ? / wizard 72 195 1 187 559 965 +2 198 742
5/16/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 195 1 185 361 362 +2 198 603
5/15/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 195 1 183 172 254 +2 189 108
5/14/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 195 1 180 948 034 +2 224 220
5/13/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 195 1 178 888 882 +2 059 152
5/12/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 195 1 177 205 024 +1 683 858
5/11/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 195 1 175 373 833 +1 831 191
5/10/24 00:05 ? / wizard 73 195 1 173 245 274 +2 128 559
5/9/24 00:05 ? / wizard 74 195 1 171 057 267 +2 188 007
5/8/24 00:05 ? / wizard 74 195 1 169 165 626 +1 891 641
5/7/24 00:05 ? / wizard 74 194 1 167 190 283 +1 975 343
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