Sorfy, w7

Vocation wizard wizard
Level 130
EP 233 774 868
Next level 726 932
Global rank 4094 / wizard 1889
World rank ? / wizard ?
PvP rank 25
Achievements rank ? / wizard ?
Achievements points 205
Guild N I K A
Max daily gain May 27, 2024 \ LVL 128 \ +2 008 465
Min daily gain Oct 24, 2024 \ LVL 126 \ -22 471 143
Updated less than hour ago.
Loading chart data...
Date Rank Level Experience
6/2/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 129 220 647 744 +25 522
6/1/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 129 220 631 070 +16 674
5/30/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 129 220 613 764 ?
5/29/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 129 220 583 153 +30 611
5/28/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 129 220 565 145 +18 008
5/27/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 218 556 680 +2 008 465
5/26/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 218 538 597 +18 083
5/25/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 217 893 726 +644 871
5/24/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 217 862 741 +30 985
5/23/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 217 853 742 +8 999
5/22/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 217 818 175 +35 567
5/21/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 217 799 405 +18 770
5/20/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 217 799 405 +0
5/19/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 217 799 405 +0
5/18/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 217 790 920 +8 485
5/17/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 217 790 920 +0
5/16/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 217 775 563 +15 357
5/15/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 217 665 562 +110 001
5/14/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 217 079 484 +586 078
5/13/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 216 571 278 +508 206
5/12/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 215 599 853 +971 425
5/11/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 215 573 970 +25 883
5/10/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 215 573 970 +0
5/9/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 215 555 543 +18 427
5/8/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 215 555 543 +0
5/7/24 00:05 ? / wizard ? 128 215 539 430 +16 113
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