warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
19 sty 2011, 15:11
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Post any questions and answers that related with the subject,like the uses,where to get them, etc.


Hitmana w1 Offline
14 cze 2013, 03:18
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

Edited by Mrtroyz w5 on 14 cze 2013, 10:38;
edited 1 time in total

Snowbear w29 Offline
13 wrz 2013, 03:47
Topics: 0 Posts: 4

guys, how can i finish quest to baral? I kill frostiso?
Igorz w15 Offline
15 wrz 2013, 10:16
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

hello,how to get dulmar.where and who npc to trade dulmar.And how to upgrde it.
wizard_male Norhazwanz w6 Offline
9 paź 2013, 06:02
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

does anybody here know where i can get Jewel Of Experience......... Reply ASAP pls
wizard_male Norhazwanz w6 Offline
13 paź 2013, 06:14
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

where i can get Jewel of experience?
which shop?
from who?
Hunt what?

types of jewel of experience?
what are they?
warrior_male Kemala w23 Offline
27 lis 2013, 11:16
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

Norhazwanz [6] napisał/a:
where i can get Jewel of experience?
which shop?
from who?
Hunt what?

types of jewel of experience?
what are they?
from oss batlelike azael , oakvine , hornig etc
warrior_female Dntkillme w28 Offline
29 lis 2013, 03:40
Topics: 0 Posts: 9

Who can give me plat? For clink W25.
100platinum its no problem. Please.
wizard_male Hipers w17 Offline
30 gru 2013, 16:41
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

Yunis w7 Offline
20 gru 2016, 13:29
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

Rahman w22 napisał/a:
I got frozen scale from winterfeast gift, for what is it?
Hello,you have to get 4 frozen scale to get head ice armour or 7 frozen scale to get body ice armour.My friend told me like that..
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