King w10 Offline
5 cze 2010, 16:41
Topics: 1 Posts: 3

Whats all?
Bingung q mau kemana hunt?
warrior_male Griimm w10 Offline
5 cze 2010, 22:48
Topics: 0 Posts: 6

Whats all?
Bingung q mau kemana hunt?
Hello my boss, hehe

ku dlu lvl 64 hunt dragon atau goldminer gng.

mig33 : gr1m
King w10 Offline
6 cze 2010, 01:00
Topics: 1 Posts: 3

Dragon yg dmn gud y?
N goldminer yg dmn gud jg?
Maaf banyak nanya ne...maklum baru maen tibia.
warrior_male Griimm w10 Offline
10 cze 2010, 02:09
Topics: 0 Posts: 6

Dragon di water reservoir. Gold miner di gold forge, tp dikuasai kiska yg bnyk.

mig33 : gr1m
warrior_male Apinkz w14 Offline
23 cze 2010, 09:19
Topics: 7 Posts: 36

hunt flame jga oke.
wizard_female Mezatal w6 Offline
23 cze 2010, 13:37
Topics: 0 Posts: 6

King w10 Offline
29 cze 2010, 06:13
Topics: 1 Posts: 3

Aku punya c.a mw kil demon a.m w ganti c.a gud gx y buat kill demon
wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
29 cze 2010, 10:37
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

Ice drag0n o fiery drag0n

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out
warrior_female Benkx w24 Offline
29 cze 2010, 11:34
Topics: 0 Posts: 3

Musco aja enak

the lost legend from w24
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