Crazyman w22 Offline
13 sie 2013, 03:00
Topics: 2 Posts: 2

Game Master ..
Help My Character
My Character is die,because Error
my character not login,but i die
I Loss 3 Million Exp
My Level Before is Level 80
Cause die,now Level 78
Please give back my exp Game Master
Im very Sad
My character name is Female world 22
wizard_male Mrtroyz w5 Offline
13 sie 2013, 04:37
Topics: 1 Posts: 117

I feel sorry with the problem that you had
but I recommend to join TibiaME Official
Forum at
and share your problem there because
TibiaME Community, TibiaME Manager
always discuss players problem there.
Thanks for sharing your problem and if you have
any problems during registering at
TibiaME Official Forum, just letter me

;-) Don't make any trouble please;-)
Crazyman w22 Offline
13 sie 2013, 04:46
Topics: 2 Posts: 2

Im sad,i not sleep 4days only for Level 80,but i die ,and im back in level 78,cause error
wizard_male Mrtroyz w5 Offline
13 sie 2013, 04:47
Topics: 1 Posts: 117

Please read what I've posted above.

;-) Don't make any trouble please;-)
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