warrior_male Cloudzhm w20 Offline
7 de jul. de 2010, 08:18
Topics: 8 Posts: 66

just post here or PM me =)

Don't give up if your dead and lost exp ('',)v www.tibiame-world20.webs.com
warrior_male Cloudzhm w20 Offline
7 de jul. de 2010, 08:20
Topics: 8 Posts: 66

wanna use for recorder tibiame video =D

Don't give up if your dead and lost exp ('',)v

wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
7 de jul. de 2010, 15:25
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

visit this web via PC http://camstudio.org easy, simple, and fast screen rec0rder pr0gram

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warrior_male Cloudzhm w20 Offline
9 de jul. de 2010, 06:39
Topics: 8 Posts: 66

thanks yo ahaha.. btw nice K.C =)

Don't give up if your dead and lost exp ('',)v

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