Имя Уровень Мана Хар-ки Падает с
Battle rune lvl0 Мана1 hit1-10
Chili stick lvl0 Мана1 fire1-12 Bug
Club lvl0 hit1-9
Little sword lvl0 hit1-12 Bug
Feathered stick lvl3 Мана2 hit1-16 Frog Snake
Glowing hammer lvl3 hit1-5 fire1-10 Frog Snake
Blazing crystal lvl4 Мана2 fire1-18 Frog Spider
Meelee mallet lvl4 hit1-16
Short sword lvl5 hit1-16 Acid slime Ooze Slime Wolf
Flame spear lvl6 hit1-4 fire1-15 Hornet Hornet Mean wolf
Magic spoon lvl6 Мана3 hit1-24 Acid slime Ooze Slime Wolf
Barbarian axe lvl7 ice1-22
Ice crystal lvl7 Мана3 ice1-26
Prayer club lvl8 soul1-22
Staff of forgetting lvl8 Мана2 soul1-28
Mace lvl9 hit1-25 Bat Scorpion
Spark stick lvl9 Мана3 energy1-30 Skeleton
(+)  Spark stick lvl9 Мана3 energy1-32 Skeleton
Fire rune lvl10 Мана3 fire1-34 Hornet Hornet Mean wolf Skeleguard Tarantula Widow
Flash hacker lvl10 hit1-12 energy1-15 Skeleton
(+)  Flash hacker lvl10 hit1-13 energy1-17 Skeleton
Axe lvl11 hit1-30 Skelenary
Magic root lvl11 Мана4 hit1-38 Ghost Scorpion
Branding stamp lvl12 Мана3 hit1-20 fire1-20 Restless
Incensor lvl12 fire1-32 Skelenary Tarantula Widow
Ice rune lvl13 Мана4 ice1-42 Giant bat Shombie Twombie Zombie Zompforz
Silver mace lvl13 hit1-5 soul1-30 Lich Lich king Lich lord Netherling Vamp bat
Nunchaku lvl14 hit2-23 ice1-10 Kappa Kreppan
Shuriken lvl14 Мана5 hit1-28 soul1-20 Kappa Kreppan
Flogging rune lvl15 Мана6 hit1-48 Bear Bokk Ibex Markhor Rabid bear Rabid bear
Skylighter lvl15 energy1-34
Sword lvl15 hit1-35 Bear Rabid bear Rabid bear
Soul rune lvl16 Мана5 soul1-50
War hammer lvl17 hit1-40 Tarmonted Tormented
Fire discus lvl18 Мана6 fire1-54 Skeleguard
Energy rune lvl19 Мана6 energy1-58
Fire sword lvl19 fire1-40 Sheriff
Great soul rune lvl19 Мана6 soul1-58
Truesilver mace lvl19 soul1-44
Blessed hammer lvl20 hit1-10 soul1-35
Frozarium lvl20 ice1-36 Chilly Minosol Minotaur
Gurumistick lvl20 soul1-36 Chilly Killerbear
Fan lvl21 Мана6 ice1-61 General hu Instructor Primeguard Recruit Tempguard Warden Warden
Shock halberd lvl21 hit1-10 energy1-38
Bommelsword lvl22 fire5-43 General hu Instructor Primeguard Recruit Tempguard Warden Warden
Brass rod lvl22 Мана7 hit1-66
Battle axe lvl23 hit1-45
Club of remorse lvl23 soul1-50
Sacred discus lvl23 Мана7 soul1-70
Arctic spike lvl24 hit1-5 ice1-50 Haunter Shadow
(+)  Arctic spike lvl24 hit1-15 ice1-50 Haunter Shadow
(+)  Holy lance lvl24 hit1-12 soul1-70 Eye Gazer Half gazer Observer Small eye
Rhythm stick lvl24 Мана6 hit1-72
Shiver rune lvl24 Мана7 ice1-72 Chilly Haunter Killerbear Minosol Minotaur Shadow
(+)  Shiver rune lvl24 Мана7 hit1-17 ice1-72 Chilly Haunter Killerbear Minosol Minotaur Shadow
(+)  Fire discus lvl25 Мана8 fire1-77 Skeleguard
(+)  Fire sword lvl25 fire1-59 Sheriff
Lightning rune lvl25 Мана7 energy1-74
Thunder hammer lvl25 energy1-50
Sai lvl26 Мана8 hit1-80 Monk Nimon
Sanchaku lvl26 hit1-58 Monk Nimon
Focus staff lvl27 Мана8 soul1-83
Paladin's axe lvl27 hit1-12 soul1-50
Fire rod lvl28 Мана8 fire1-82
Freezer rune lvl29 Мана9 ice1-84 Orc Orc leader Orc raider Zorklosh
Sparking plug lvl29 Мана9 energy1-89 Ninjaman
Troll cleaver lvl29 hit1-15 fire1-50
Curved reaver lvl30 hit1-70 Farmzombie
Energy blade lvl30 energy1-62 Flappy Flutto Long Thutmosis
Ice spiked mace lvl30 ice1-66
Mind crusher lvl30 soul4-67 Banthera Ninjaman
Ornate battle stick lvl30 Мана9 hit1-92 Farmzombie
Frostbringer lvl31 ice1-65 Berseclops Cyclops Orc Orc leader Orc raider Tyraclops Zorklosh
Soul rod lvl31 Мана9 soul1-90 Banthera
Energy discus lvl32 Мана9 energy1-94 Long Thutmosis
Burning blade lvl33 fire4-74
Holy lance lvl33 hit1-8 soul1-60 Eye Gazer Half gazer Observer Small eye
Thiarakatana lvl33 Мана9 hit7-97
Tiharakatana lvl33 hit4-76
(+)  Holy discus lvl34 Мана8 soul1-112 Eye Gazer Half gazer Observer Small eye
Rune of winter lvl34 Мана9 ice1-98 Berseclops Cyclops Forofnat Treant Treant Tyraclops
Dragon slayer lvl35 ice1-75 Vampire Vamplord Vampmaster
Ember rune lvl36 Мана9 fire1-100 Sheriff
Holy discus lvl37 Мана10 soul1-112 Eye Gazer Half gazer Observer Small eye
Volcanic axe lvl37 hit1-20 fire1-65
Ceremonial rod lvl38 Мана11 hit1-105 soul1-15
(+)  Ceremonial rod lvl38 Мана10 hit1-105 soul1-25
Hallowed sword lvl38 hit1-70 soul1-15
(+)  Hallowed sword lvl38 hit1-80 soul1-17
Jumbo slayer lvl39 hit1-20 ice1-80
Ice discus lvl40 Мана11 ice1-114 Vampire Vamplord Vampmaster
Fugazor lvl42 fire1-97 Werewolf
Mad mage's rod lvl42 Мана12 hit1-30 ice1-125
Sabre lvl42 hit1-85 fire1-10
Splatter stick lvl43 Мана12 fire1-127
Branch of oakvine lvl44 Мана13 hit1-133
Comet sword lvl44 hit1-20 energy1-80
Cutting leafs lvl44 soul1-102
Tempest rod lvl44 Мана14 hit1-5 energy1-150
Fire bo lvl47 Мана14 hit1-40 fire10-105
Frost smasher lvl47 ice1-108
Katana lvl47 hit10-100
Crushing staff lvl48 Мана12 hit17-128
Desert fire lvl48 hit11-61 fire11-33
Edge of storm lvl49 energy1-113
Magma mace lvl49 hit1-25 fire1-85
Tide evoker lvl49 Мана13 ice1-120 energy1-25 Aquata
Elder staff lvl50 Мана13 soul25-126
Eye of cyclone lvl50 Мана14 energy1-148
Soulcleaver lvl50 hit12-26 soul10-70
Archmage staff lvl51 Мана12 hit16-152
Hammer of nivalis lvl51 ice11-111
Soul eater lvl51 soul11-122
(+)  Spirit wand lvl52 Мана12 hit1-5 soul1-150
Thunder hook lvl52 hit5-40 energy1-75 Skelpirate
Spirit blade lvl54 hit1-35 soul1-85
(+)  Spirit blade lvl54 hit1-35 soul1-100
Spirit wand lvl54 Мана14 hit1-5 soul1-150
Voodoo doll lvl57 Мана16 hit1-150 soul1-25
Voodoo needle lvl57 hit1-120 soul1-14
Lightbender lvl59 hit1-30 energy1-95 soul1-15
Lightbringer lvl59 Мана16 fire1-30 energy1-130 soul1-20
Axe of belief lvl64 hit1-35 soul1-110 Flaroxis Floraxis
Glove of eternity lvl69 Мана17 hit1-25 ice1-130 soul1-40 Abysson Crystallon Dragon Flaroxis Floraxis Ice dragon Mythrilon Shiveron
Sword of legend lvl69 hit1-20 ice15-100 soul1-20 Abysson Crystallon Dragon Ice dragon Mythrilon Shiveron
Curse of ashmor (mtx) lvl74 Мана18 soul18-175
Destroyer (mtx) lvl74 hit14-161
Eternal winter (mtx) lvl74 ice14-161
Gift of nivalis (mtx) lvl74 Мана18 ice18-175
Lightning fang (mtx) lvl74 energy14-161
Magma axe lvl74 hit1-35 fire25-100 Aural Deathlight Demon Flamar Flame Flame Scorcher Sunspark Wisp
Meteor mace (mtx) lvl74 fire14-161
Ruby staff (mtx) lvl74 Мана18 fire18-175
Scepter of fire lvl74 Мана18 hit10-25 fire35-135 Aural Deathlight Demon Flamar Flame Flame Scorcher Sunspark Wisp
Staff of fury (mtx) lvl74 Мана18 hit18-175
Storm singer (mtx) lvl74 Мана18 energy18-175
Voidcutter (mtx) lvl74 soul14-161
Claw of chilong lvl79 energy15-170
Demonic essence lvl79 Мана19 fire19-185
Divine twinblade lvl79 soul15-170
Divine twinstaff lvl79 Мана19 soul19-185
Dul'mar lvl79 fire15-170
(+)  Dul'mar lvl79 fire20-184
Earthshaker lvl79 Мана19 energy19-185
Hammer of kha'zur lvl79 fire15-170
Malmer lvl79 hit35-120 energy5-20 soul1-5
Rod of eternal ice lvl79 Мана19 ice19-185
Shagdurn lvl79 Мана19 fire19-185
(+)  Shagdurn lvl79 Мана19 fire22-202
Subzero lvl79 ice15-170
Blaze hammer (mtx) lvl94 fire19-195
Dark thunder (mtx) lvl94 Мана22 energy58-221
Demon slayer (mtx) lvl94 energy19-195
Desert heat (mtx) lvl94 Мана22 fire58-221
Dragonbone spear (mtx) lvl94 soul19-195
Dragonbone staff (mtx) lvl94 Мана22 soul58-221
Frost slicer (mtx) lvl94 ice19-195
Heart of nivalis (mtx) lvl94 Мана22 ice58-221
Painbringer (mtx) lvl94 Мана22 hit58-221
Twinaxe (mtx) lvl94 hit19-195
Conflagrator lvl99 Мана23 fire60-233 Archdemon Demon lord
Crystal cutter lvl99 ice20-205 Hell guard
Fiery nexus lvl99 fire20-199
Lightning conductor lvl99 Мана23 energy60-233 Behemoth
Mutilator lvl99 hit20-205 Archlich Vampelder
Onset of winter lvl99 Мана23 ice60-233 Hell guard
Soulkeeper lvl99 Мана23 soul60-233 Blackdrake Chaodrake Fouldrake
Spiritbane lvl99 soul20-205 Blackdrake Chaodrake Fouldrake
Staff of pain lvl99 Мана23 hit60-233 Archlich Vampelder
Thunder clap mace lvl99 energy20-205 Behemoth
Claymore of doom lvl111 hit2-20 soul70-160
Scepter of damn lvl111 Мана25 hit4-34 soul75-215
Bonecaster lvl119 Мана28 soul70-281
Claw of doom lvl119 Мана28 hit70-281
Deep freeze lvl119 ice45-225
Devourer of souls lvl119 soul45-225
Ice age lvl119 Мана28 ice70-281
Raging thunder lvl119 Мана28 energy70-281
Reapers claw lvl119 hit45-225
Searing inferno lvl119 fire45-225
Solar flare lvl119 Мана28 fire70-281
Tempest blade lvl119 energy45-225
Apocalypse lvl129 Мана28 fire50-271 ice50-271
(+)  Apocalypse lvl129 Мана28 fire50-271 ice50-271
Reaper of worlds lvl129 fire25-223 ice25-223
(+)  Reaper of worlds lvl129 fire25-223 ice25-223
Tibia и TibiaME являются торговыми марками OOO "CipSoft", Германия.