Potwór Nagroda HP Prędkość Ataki Wrażliwości Wyspy Do zdobycia
Abysson Doświadczenie299 Gold27 1556 -3 hit
ice ice Circusia, Vargos Dragon pearl, Fire ring, Glove of eternity, Gold ring, Health potion, Mana potion, Shield ring, Sword of legend
Acid slime Doświadczenie45 Gold8 289 -1 hit energy
ice ice Ashmor Contaminated slime sample, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Magic spoon, Short sword, Topaz, Useless slime sample
Acolyte Doświadczenie34 Gold7 240 0 hit ice
hit fire fire Ashmor Acolyte hood, Acolyte legs, Acolyte robe, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Nivalian ring
Advisor Doświadczenie239 Gold29 1034 0 hit ice
fire fire Solahmar
Alligator Doświadczenie137 Gold19 656 0 hit
hit hit Banuna, Starfish Island Fortified armour, Holy legs, Miracle herb, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Angrax Doświadczenie85 Gold12 240 0 hit ice soul
fire fire St. Nivalis Fortified legs, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Onyx, Spellwielder hat, Twinkling sapphire
Anitree Doświadczenie30 Gold7 228 0 hit
fire fire Ashmor Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Anitree Doświadczenie67 Gold10 353 0 hit
fire fire St. Nivalis Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Anitree Doświadczenie104 Gold14 496 0 hit
fire fire Yabutu Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Anitree Doświadczenie128 Gold17 600 0 hit
fire fire Banuna Small health potion, Small mana potion
Anitree Doświadczenie146 Gold20 699 0 hit
fire fire Fabulara Small health potion, Small mana potion
Anitree Doświadczenie180 Gold22 777 0 hit
fire fire Starfish Island Small health potion, Small mana potion
Anitree Doświadczenie211 Gold24 848 0 hit
fire fire Solahmar Small health potion, Small mana potion
Anitree Doświadczenie236 Gold26 927 0 hit
fire fire Treasure Island Small health potion, Small mana potion
Anitree Doświadczenie18 Gold5 173 0 hit
fire fire Aurea Minor health potion, Minor mana potion
Apprentice Doświadczenie230 Gold26 912 0 hit ice energy
hit hit Ashmor Glacier chain, Health potion, Mana potion, Spiritual amulet, Twinkling emerald
Aquata Doświadczenie296 Gold34 1205 0 hit ice soul
hit hit Starfish Island Eye patch, Health potion, Mana potion, Sapphire, Tide evoker
Aquatix Doświadczenie303 Gold35 1249 0 ice soul
hit hit Colossea
Archdemon Doświadczenie392 Gold60 2136 -3 fire soul
energy energy Circusia, Ephialtis Blazing ore, Conflagrator, Fine health potion, Fine mana potion, Fine might potion, Fire nexus
Architect Doświadczenie119 Gold17 663 0 hit energy
hit hit Yabutu Prison blueprint
Archlich Doświadczenie376 Gold55 1604 0 ice
soul soul Circusia, Ephialtis Freezing ore, Major health potion, Major mana potion, Major might potion, Mutilator, Staff of pain
Ashlord Doświadczenie290 Gold33 1162 0 hit ice
soul Phoenix Haven Bag of ash, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Assassin Doświadczenie230 Gold26 912 0 hit energy
ice ice Treasure Island Emerald, Health potion, Mana potion, Shaolin pants, Shogun legs
Atroxia Doświadczenie161 Gold24 839 0 hit
ice ice Fabulara
Aural Doświadczenie203 Gold24 833 0 hit soul
energy Circusia Energy ring, Health potion, Magma axe, Mana potion, Scepter of fire
Baalt Doświadczenie57 Gold9 248 0 hit soul
fire fire Ashmor Scepter crown
Bandit Doświadczenie18 Gold5 173 -2 hit
fire fire Aurea Minor health potion, Minor mana potion
Bandit Doświadczenie18 Gold5 173 0 hit
hit hit Aurea Minor health potion, Minor mana potion
Banthera Doświadczenie131 Gold18 614 0 hit
fire Banuna Mind crusher, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Soul rod
Bantinel Doświadczenie172 Gold22 762 0 hit soul
hit hit Banuna Chastity legs, Chastity pants, Onyx, Skull ring, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Banuconda Doświadczenie128 Gold17 600 0 hit
hit ice Banuna Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Bastinx Doświadczenie317 Gold38 1364 0 hit soul
hit fire Hunterra Health potion, Mana potion
Bat Doświadczenie21 Gold6 198 0 hit
energy energy Ashmor Bat skin, Freezer planks, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Mace, Nivalian ring
Baykok Doświadczenie359 Gold50 1483 0 hit fire soul
energy energy Erebos Baykok flesh
Bear Doświadczenie25 Gold6 214 0 hit
fire fire Aurea Flogging rune, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Priest ring, Sword
Behemoth Doświadczenie359 Gold50 1706 -3 fire soul
soul soul Circusia, Erebos Lightning conductor, Major health potion, Major mana potion, Storming ore, Thunder clap mace
Berseclops Doświadczenie180 Gold22 777 0 hit energy
energy energy Aurea Frostbringer, Rune of winter, Spark chain, Topaz
Big slime Doświadczenie28 Gold7 257 -2 hit energy
ice ice Ashmor Prism jewel
Blackdrake Doświadczenie372 Gold54 1925 -3 hit soul
hit hit Circusia, Ephialtis Etheric ore, Fine health potion, Fine mana potion, Fine might potion, Soulkeeper, Spiritbane
Blaze Doświadczenie359 Gold20 7120 -1 hit fire
ice ice Erebos Major health potion, Major mana potion
Blaze Doświadczenie359 Gold50 1780 -1 hit fire
ice ice Erebos Blaze ash, Major health potion, Major mana potion
Blazor Doświadczenie287 Gold32 1147 0 hit fire
ice ice Phoenix Haven Blazor spark
Bloodbeak Doświadczenie261 Gold29 1036 0 hit
fire fire Hunterra Health potion, Mana potion
Bloodfly Doświadczenie104 Gold14 475 0 hit energy
fire fire Yabutu Enlighted necklace, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Orange belt, Orange hardbelt
Bodyguard Doświadczenie0 Gold0 510 0 hit
ice energy energy Yabutu
Bokk Doświadczenie188 Gold18 799 0 hit
fire fire Starfish Island Brass helmet, Flogging rune, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Bratty Doświadczenie196 Gold23 819 0 ice energy
fire fire Starfish Island Sailor armour, Sailor jacket, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Bug Doświadczenie1 Gold1 29 0 hit
fire fire Aurea, Fabulara, Lybera Chili stick, Little sword, Minor health potion, Minor mana potion
Bultaur Doświadczenie351 Gold48 1693 0 hit fire
energy energy Castle Rock
Buster Doświadczenie0 Gold0 496 -1 hit
fire fire Yabutu
Buzzy Doświadczenie117 Gold16 521 0 hit energy
fire fire Yabutu Enlighted necklace, Orange belt, Orange hardbelt, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Captain Doświadczenie196 Gold23 819 0 hit ice
fire fire Starfish Island Corsair tricorn, Pirate headband, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Captor Doświadczenie346 Gold46 1648 -2 hit ice
fire fire Doratia Archon ring, Archon talisman, Great health potion, Great mana potion, Miracle herb, Sapphire, Twinkling sapphire
Cerberus Doświadczenie359 Gold50 1483 0 hit fire soul
energy energy Erebos Blazing ore, Hell crystal, Major health potion, Major mana potion
Chaleton Doświadczenie367 Gold53 1875 0 hit ice
fire soul soul Circusia, Ephialtis Great health potion, Great mana potion, Great might potion, Major health potion, Major mana potion
Chani Doświadczenie246 Gold30 1050 0 hit
hit hit Solahmar Battle amulet
Chaodrake Doświadczenie377 Gold56 1982 -3 hit soul
hit hit Circusia, Ephialtis Etheric ore, Fine health potion, Fine mana potion, Fine might potion, Soulkeeper, Spiritbane
Chaombie Doświadczenie369 Gold53 1895 -2 hit ice
soul soul Circusia, Ephialtis Great health potion, Great mana potion, Great might potion, Major health potion, Major mana potion
Chaomy Doświadczenie247 Gold23 964 -3 hit ice
soul soul Solahmar, Treasure Island Health potion, Magma crown, Magma headpiece, Mana potion
Chilly Doświadczenie141 Gold20 720 0 hit ice
fire fire St. Nivalis Frozarium, Gurumistick, Shiver rune
Cleptoman Doświadczenie139 Gold19 670 0 hit soul
hit hit Banuna Chastity legs, Chastity pants, Onyx, Skull ring, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Construct Doświadczenie217 Gold25 876 0 hit ice
hit hit fire Solahmar Glacier chain, Small health potion
Cookey Doświadczenie105 Gold30 1900 -2 hit energy
ice ice Starfish Island Health potion
Creation Doświadczenie153 Gold23 804 -2 hit
fire Banuna
Creation Doświadczenie124 Gold18 630 -2 hit fire
hit ice Banuna
Creationis Doświadczenie134 Gold18 634 0 hit
soul Banuna Small health potion, Small mana potion
Criminal Doświadczenie113 Gold15 525 0 hit
hit hit Yabutu
Crocodile Doświadczenie128 Gold17 600 0 hit
hit hit Banuna Fortified armour, Holy legs, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Crustea Doświadczenie310 Gold37 1307 0 hit ice soul
hit hit Hunterra Health potion, Mana potion
Crysmantis Doświadczenie303 Gold35 1169 0 hit soul
fire fire Hunterra Crystal eye, Health potion, Mana potion
Crystallon Doświadczenie315 Gold26 1344 -3 hit ice
fire fire Circusia, St. Nivalis Chastity ring, Dragon pearl, Glove of eternity, Gold ring, Great health potion, Great mana potion, Hardwater ring, Sword of legend
Cul'gar'de Doświadczenie448 Gold55 2684 0 hit energy
ice Riftion Blazing ore, Blue rift jewel, Great healt potion, Great mana potion, Great might potion, Green rift jewel, Master amulet, Master ring, Red rift jewel
Cult tutor Doświadczenie57 Gold9 212 0 hit soul
fire fire Ashmor Fur-lined cap, Fur-lined legs, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Cultist Doświadczenie71 Gold11 186 0 hit ice soul
fire fire St. Nivalis Fortified legs, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Onyx, Spellwielder hat, Twinkling sapphire
Cultix Doświadczenie99 Gold14 288 0 hit ice soul
fire fire St. Nivalis Fortified legs, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Onyx, Spellwielder hat, Twinkling sapphire
Cyclon Doświadczenie188 Gold23 799 0 energy
energy energy Colossea
Cyclops Doświadczenie137 Gold19 656 0 hit energy
energy energy Banuna, Fabulara Frostbringer, Rune of winter, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Spark chain, Topaz
Darasi Doświadczenie246 Gold30 1050 0 hit
hit hit Solahmar Battle amulet
Dark mage Doświadczenie257 Gold28 999 0 hit ice energy
hit hit Ashmor Glacier chain, Health potion, Mana potion, Spiritual amulet, Twinkling emerald
Darkhound Doświadczenie351 Gold48 1693 0 hit fire
energy energy Circusia, Colossea
Darkwiz Doświadczenie433 Gold53 2612 0 hit ice energy
hit hit Ashmor Glacier chain, Health potion, Mana potion, Mandrake, Onyx, Spiritual amulet, Twinkling emerald
Deathlight Doświadczenie468 Gold63 3126 0 hit ice
soul soul Aurea Energy ring, Great healt potion, Great mana potion, Magma axe, Scepter of fire
Demon Doświadczenie379 Gold56 1997 -3 fire soul
energy energy Ashmor, Ephialtis, Treasure Island Fine health potion, Fine mana potion, Magma axe, Scepter of fire, Steel chain
Demon lord Doświadczenie386 Gold58 2067 -3 fire soul
energy energy Circusia, Ephialtis Blazing ore, Conflagrator, Fine health potion, Fine mana potion, Fine might potion, Fire nexus
Demoniac Doświadczenie359 Gold50 1780 0 fire soul
energy energy Colossea
Dessnake Doświadczenie211 Gold25 787 0 hit fire
hit hit ice ice Solahmar Battle ring, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Djinn Doświadczenie236 Gold26 921 0 hit ice
fire fire Solahmar Crystal shard ring, Health potion, Mana potion
Dragon Doświadczenie203 Gold20 833 -3 hit fire
ice ice Banuna, Fabulara Dragon pearl, Fire ring, Glove of eternity, Gold ring, Shield ring, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Sword of legend
Dreamninja Doświadczenie257 Gold28 999 0 hit energy
ice ice Starfish Island Health potion, Shaolin pants, Shogun legs
Dundi Doświadczenie1000 Gold1200 1200 0 hit
hit hit Banuna Fortified armour, Holy legs, Miracle herb
Dwarf Doświadczenie155 Gold18 726 0 hit fire
soul soul Fabulara Ruby, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Static shield, Thunder shield
Elderdjinn Doświadczenie433 Gold53 2612 0 hit ice
fire Solahmar Crystal shard ring, Health potion, Mana potion
Ember Doświadczenie252 Gold28 979 0 fire
ice ice Colossea
Evercultis Doświadczenie433 Gold53 2760 0 hit soul
soul Doratia Major health potion, Major mana potion
Evil sheep Doświadczenie146 Gold20 699 0 hit
hit hit fire fire Aurea, Fabulara Armoured ring, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Evilare Doświadczenie351 Gold46 1655 -1 hit fire
soul Hunterra Focus crystal
Eye Doświadczenie125 Gold17 586 0 hit
ice ice Aurea, Banuna Holy discus, Holy lance, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Eye Doświadczenie0 Gold0 586 0 hit
ice ice Aurea
Fanatic Doświadczenie57 Gold9 320 0 hit ice
hit fire fire Ashmor Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Nivalian ring
Farmzombie Doświadczenie125 Gold17 610 -2 hit ice
fire soul soul Yabutu Curved reaver, Mithril amulet, Ornate battle stick, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Zombie shreds
Fire drake Doświadczenie76 Gold11 386 0 hit fire
ice ice St. Nivalis Dragon pearl, Drake skin, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Fireball Doświadczenie360 Gold0 1300 0 fire
hit hit ice ice Erebos Major health potion, Major mana potion
Flamar Doświadczenie348 Gold47 1663 0 fire
ice ice Doratia Demonstone, Health potion, Magma axe, Miracle herb, Ruby, Scepter of fire
Flame Doświadczenie265 Gold20 1036 -1 hit fire
ice ice Circusia, Fabulara Health potion, Magma axe, Mana potion, Miracle herb, Ruby, Scepter of fire
Flame Doświadczenie265 Gold20 1036 -1 hit fire
ice ice Fabulara, Treasure Island Demonstone, Health potion, Magma axe, Miracle herb, Ruby, Scepter of fire
Flamus Doświadczenie292 Gold35 1243 -1 hit fire
ice ice Banuna Health potion, Royal neck cooler
Flappy Doświadczenie196 Gold23 819 -1 hit energy
ice ice Yabutu Energy blade, Energy discuss, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Flaroxis Doświadczenie333 Gold42 1074 -3 hit fire
ice ice Banuna Axe of belief, Fire ring, Glove of eternity, Shield ring
Floraxis Doświadczenie333 Gold42 1074 -3 hit fire
ice ice Banuna Axe of belief, Fire ring, Glove of eternity, Shield ring
Flummy Doświadczenie10 Gold0 156 0 hit
ice Hunterra
Flutto Doświadczenie134 Gold18 634 -1 hit energy
ice ice Yabutu Energy blade, Energy discuss, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Foresdrake Doświadczenie277 Gold31 1095 0 hit fire
ice ice energy energy Hunterra Health potion, Mana potion
Forestis Doświadczenie290 Gold33 1162 -2 hit
fire fire energy Phoenix Haven Health potion, Small miracle herb
Forgotten Doświadczenie342 Gold45 1606 -1 hit ice
soul soul Doratia Great health potion, Great mana potion, Twinkling emerald
Forofnat Doświadczenie196 Gold23 819 -2 hit
fire fire Starfish Island Crystal chain, Rune of winter, Shimmering onyx, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Fouldrake Doświadczenie384 Gold58 2049 -3 hit soul
hit hit Circusia, Ephialtis Etheric ore, Fine health potion, Fine mana potion, Fine might potion, Soulkeeper, Spiritbane
Francis Doświadczenie1250 Gold2500 2800 -2 hit ice energy
soul soul Banuna Frost helmet, Frost hood
Frog Doświadczenie3 Gold2 65 0 hit
hit hit fire fire Fabulara, Lybera Blazing crystal, Feathered stick, Glowing hammer, Melee mallet, Minor health potion, Minor mana potion
Frost bear Doświadczenie76 Gold11 386 0 hit ice
fire fire St. Nivalis Basting hood, Leather legs, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Twinkling sapphire
Frost mage Doświadczenie325 Gold40 1431 0 ice energy
hit hit Colossea
Frostcat Doświadczenie94 Gold13 460 0 hit
fire fire St. Nivalis Blue defroster, Red defroster
Frostdrake Doświadczenie230 Gold18 1162 0 hit ice
ice ice Colossea
Furball Doświadczenie1 Gold0 12 0 hit
fire fire St. Nivalis
Gazer Doświadczenie289 Gold33 1512 0 hit fire
ice ice Vargos Holy discus, Holy lance
General hu Doświadczenie125 Gold17 537 0 hit
energy energy Yabutu Bommelsword, Fan, Focus shield
Ghost Doświadczenie25 Gold6 214 -1 hit ice
soul soul Ashmor Fur-lined cap, Fur-lined legs, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Magic root, Twinkling emerald
Giant bat Doświadczenie45 Gold8 289 0 hit
energy energy Ashmor Bat wings, Freezer planks, Ice rune, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Nivalian ring
Gigantula Doświadczenie287 Gold32 1147 0 hit soul
fire fire Hunterra Health potion, Mana potion, Spider crystal
Gnork Doświadczenie10 Gold21 608 -1 hit
fire fire energy Starfish Island Black pearl
Goblin Doświadczenie146 Gold20 699 0 hit fire
hit soul soul Fabulara, Starfish Island Armoured legs, Armoured trousers, Shimmering onyx, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Goldminer Doświadczenie196 Gold18 819 0 hit fire
soul soul Fabulara Miracle herb, Ruby, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Static shield, Thunder shield
Gremlin Doświadczenie196 Gold23 819 0 hit fire
soul soul Starfish Island Armoured legs, Armoured trousers, Shimmering onyx, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Grorch Doświadczenie171 Gold25 718 -1 hit
fire fire Banuna Chain helmet, Most useless mirror, Twinkling emerald, Winter legs
Guard Doświadczenie359 Gold50 1632 -2 hit fire
soul soul Erebos
Half gazer Doświadczenie144 Gold16 756 0 hit fire
ice ice Vargos Holy discus, Holy lance
Harald Doświadczenie8000 Gold10000 3000 0 hit soul
fire fire Fabulara Armoured ring
Haunter Doświadczenie211 Gold24 848 0 hit ice
soul soul Ashmor, Starfish Island Arctic spike, Shiver rune, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Twinkling emerald
Hell guard Doświadczenie359 Gold50 1632 -2 hit fire
soul soul Circusia, Erebos Crystal cutter, Heavy ore, Major health potion, Major mana potion, Onset of winter
Hellhound Doświadczenie1 Gold0 30 0 soul
hit hit fire fire ice ice energy energy Ashmor
Hinshun Doświadczenie138 Gold20 703 -1 hit
fire fire Yabutu
Hissy Doświadczenie80 Gold12 401 0 hit
fire fire St. Nivalis Basting shield, Field armour, Field ring, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Sabre tooth
Hornet Doświadczenie9 Gold4 130 0 hit energy
fire fire Aurea, Lybera Fire rune, Flame spear, Minor health potion, Minor mana potion
Hornet Doświadczenie9 Gold4 130 0 hit
fire fire Aurea, Lybera Black honey, Fire rune, Flame spear, White honey
Horrornet Doświadczenie296 Gold34 1205 0 hit
ice ice Hunterra Crystal stinger, Health potion, Mana potion
Hunter Doświadczenie265 Gold29 1036 0 hit ice
Ibex Doświadczenie163 Gold17 748 0 hit
fire fire Fabulara, Starfish Island Brass helmet, Flogging rune, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Ice dragon Doświadczenie230 Gold18 912 -3 hit ice
fire fire Circusia, St. Nivalis Chastity ring, Dragon pearl, Glove of eternity, Gold ring, Hardwater ring, Health potion, Mana potion, Sword of legend
Ice slave Doświadczenie0 Gold0 5420 0 ice
fire fire St. Nivalis
Icy bear Doświadczenie89 Gold13 441 0 hit ice
fire fire St. Nivalis Basting hood, Leather legs, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Twinkling sapphire
Ifrit Doświadczenie323 Gold40 1417 0 hit ice
fire Hunterra Health potion, Mana potion
Ig guardian Doświadczenie0 Gold0 353 0 hit fire
energy energy Stadium Island Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Ig guardian Doświadczenie0 Gold0 833 0 hit
ice ice Stadium Island Small health potion, Small mana potion
Ig guardian Doświadczenie0 Gold0 1308 0 hit fire
soul soul Stadium Island Major health potion, Major mana potion
Instructor Doświadczenie119 Gold17 587 0 hit
ice energy energy Yabutu Bommelsword, Fan, Focus shield
Invulruct Doświadczenie217 Gold25 876 0 hit ice
hit hit fire Solahmar Energy crystal
Jowls Doświadczenie260 Gold300 5000 0 hit ice energy
fire fire Starfish Island Seal breaker
Judy Doświadczenie120 Gold23 800 0 hit ice
hit hit Banuna Chastity legs, Chastity pants, Emerald, Health potion
Kapami Doświadczenie315 Gold38 1344 0 hit energy
ice Hunterra Health potion, Mana potion, Nudelishroom
Kappa Doświadczenie108 Gold15 510 0 hit energy
ice ice Yabutu Enlighted ring, Kappa ichor, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Nunchaku, Shuriken
Keeper Doświadczenie119 Gold17 587 0 hit
ice energy energy Yabutu Chamber key
Khalam Doświadczenie57 Gold9 248 0 hit soul
fire fire Ashmor Scepter hilt
Killerbear Doświadczenie67 Gold10 353 0 hit
fire fire Aurea Gurumistick, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Shiver rune
Krakiac Doświadczenie391 Gold51 1808 0 hit energy
ice ice Riftion Blue rift jewel, Great healt potion, Great mana potion, Great might potion, Green rift jewel, Master amulet, Master ring, Red rift jewel
Krakomin Doświadczenie367 Gold48 1721 0 hit energy
ice ice Riftion Blazing ore, Blue rift jewel, Great healt potion, Great mana potion, Green rift jewel, Master amulet, Master ring, Red rift jewel
Krampus Doświadczenie45 Gold8 337 -2 hit ice
fire soul soul Ashmor Winterfeast star
Kreppan Doświadczenie121 Gold16 535 0 hit energy
ice ice Yabutu Enlighted ring, Nunchaku, Shuriken, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Krinch Doświadczenie20 Gold6 187 0 hit fire
ice ice Aurea
Leechacle Doświadczenie298 Gold34 1220 0 hit ice
energy energy Hunterra Health potion, Leechacles heart, Mana potion
Lessaka Doświadczenie2 Gold0 75 0 soul
hit hit fire fire ice ice energy energy soul soul Saepira
Lich Doświadczenie30 Gold7 200 -1 ice
hit soul soul Ashmor Basting shirt, Field helmet, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Sapphire, Silver mace
Lich king Doświadczenie63 Gold10 291 -1 ice
soul soul Ashmor Basting shirt, Field helmet, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Sapphire, Silver mace
Lich lord Doświadczenie45 Gold8 253 -1 ice
soul soul Ashmor Basting shirt, Field helmet, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Sapphire, Silver mace
Lizardman Doświadczenie14 Gold5 159 0 hit fire
ice ice Aurea, Fabulara, Lybera Emerald, Mercenary helmet, Minor health potion, Minor mana potion, Spell student hood
Lizarogue Doświadczenie21 Gold6 198 0 hit fire
ice ice Aurea Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Mercenary helmet, Spell student hood
Lizazzin Doświadczenie39 Gold8 255 0 hit fire
ice ice Aurea Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Mercenary helmet, Spell student hood
Locusas Doświadczenie67 Gold10 255 0 hit
fire fire Ashmor, Aurea Minor health potion, Minor mana potion
Locusas Doświadczenie230 Gold26 912 0 hit
fire fire Solahmar Small health potion, Small mana potion
Locusas Doświadczenie121 Gold16 558 0 hit
fire fire Yabutu Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Locusas Doświadczenie203 Gold24 833 0 hit
fire fire Starfish Island Small health potion, Small mana potion
Locust Doświadczenie104 Gold14 510 0 hit
fire fire Yabutu Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Locust Doświadczenie18 Gold5 173 0 hit
fire fire Ashmor, Aurea Minor health potion, Minor mana potion
Locust Doświadczenie203 Gold24 762 0 hit
fire fire Solahmar Small health potion, Small mana potion
Locust Doświadczenie172 Gold22 762 0 hit
fire fire Starfish Island Small health potion, Small mana potion
Locuwar Doświadczenie39 Gold8 255 0 hit
fire fire Ashmor, Aurea Minor health potion, Minor mana potion
Locuwar Doświadczenie217 Gold25 862 0 hit
fire fire Solahmar Small health potion, Small mana potion
Locuwar Doświadczenie113 Gold15 525 0 hit
fire fire Yabutu Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Locuwar Doświadczenie188 Gold23 799 0 hit
fire fire Starfish Island Small health potion, Small mana potion
Long Doświadczenie117 Gold16 544 -1 hit energy
ice ice Yabutu Energy blade, Energy discus, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Topaz
Lost soul Doświadczenie137 Gold19 656 0 hit soul
soul Banuna
Lurker Doświadczenie273 Gold30 1075 -1 hit
fire fire Phoenix Haven Health potion, Mana potion, Might potion
Mammoth Doświadczenie146 Gold20 699 -2 hit ice
fire fire St. Nivalis Crystal ring, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Mantis Doświadczenie128 Gold17 540 0 hit soul
fire fire Banuna Small health potion, Small mana potion, Splatter helmet, Splatter hood
Markhor Doświadczenie211 Gold19 848 0 hit
fire fire Starfish Island Brass helmet, Flogging rune, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Mean wolf Doświadczenie12 Gold4 143 0 hit
fire fire Lybera Fire rune, Flame spear, Minor health potion, Minor mana potion
Meatgrinda Doświadczenie103 Gold16 552 0 hit
fire fire St. Nivalis Basting shield, Field armour, Field ring, Twinkling sapphire
Merudri Doświadczenie246 Gold30 1050 0 hit
hit hit Solahmar Battle amulet
Meshugga Doświadczenie246 Gold30 1050 0 hit
hit hit Solahmar
Minorrior Doświadczenie128 Gold17 600 -1 hit fire
energy energy Aurea Angelic armour, Angelic mantle, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Syorta ore
Minosol Doświadczenie89 Gold13 441 -1 hit fire
energy energy Aurea Frozarium, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Shiver rune, Syorta ore
Minotaur Doświadczenie67 Gold10 353 -1 hit fire
energy energy Aurea, Fabulara Frozarium, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Shiver rune, Syorta ore
Miomantis Doświadczenie137 Gold19 590 0 hit soul
fire fire Banuna Small health potion, Small mana potion, Splatter helmet, Splatter hood
Monk Doświadczenie113 Gold15 525 0 energy
fire fire ice ice Yabutu Enlighted shield, Sai, Sanchaku, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Mouldy Doświadczenie160 Gold1000 500 0 hit ice energy soul
hit hit fire fire ice ice energy energy soul soul Ashmor Glacier chain, Spiritual amulet, Twinkling emerald
Mummy Doświadczenie211 Gold18 848 -3 hit ice
fire soul soul Solahmar Magma crown, Magma headpiece, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Musco Doświadczenie131 Gold18 618 -2 hit soul
soul soul Banuna Small health potion, Small mana potion, Soulfire ring
Muscolant Doświadczenie139 Gold19 670 -2 hit soul
soul soul Banuna Small health potion, Small mana potion, Soulfire ring
Mystinx Doświadczenie351 Gold48 1693 -1 hit soul
fire Castle Rock
Mythrilon Doświadczenie265 Gold23 1036 -3 hit fire
ice ice Banuna Dragon pearl, Fire ring, Glove of eternity, Gold ring, Health potion, Mana potion, Shield ring, Sword of legend
Nashi Doświadczenie246 Gold30 1050 0 hit
hit hit Solahmar Battle amulet
Nazuk Doświadczenie57 Gold9 248 0 hit soul
fire fire Ashmor Scepter staff
Netherling Doświadczenie319 Gold39 1210 0 hit ice
soul Circusia Health potion, Mana potion, Sapphire, Silver mace
Nimon Doświadczenie125 Gold17 586 0 energy
fire fire ice ice Yabutu Enlighted shield, Sai, Sanchaku, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Ninjaman Doświadczenie117 Gold16 567 0 hit energy
ice ice Yabutu Mind crusher, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Sparking plug
Ninjana Doświadczenie347 Gold46 1519 0 hit energy
ice ice Circusia, Riftion Blazing ore, Blue rift jewel, Crown helmet, Great health potion, Great mana potion, King's hood, Ninja ring
Ninjata Doświadczenie334 Gold43 1519 0 hit energy
ice ice Colossea
Ninmata Doświadczenie468 Gold63 3126 0 hit energy
fire fire Aurea
Nunaquatch Doświadczenie269 Gold30 1051 0 hit
hit hit Hunterra Health potion, Mana potion, Nuna filet
Observer Doświadczenie349 Gold47 1678 0 hit energy
ice ice Doratia Archon ring, Archon talisman, Great health potion, Great mana potion, Holy discus, Holy lance
Ooze Doświadczenie25 Gold6 214 -1 hit energy
ice ice Ashmor Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Magic spoon, Short sword, Topaz
Orc Doświadczenie50 Gold9 303 0 hit fire
energy energy Aurea, Fabulara Freezer rune, Frostbringer, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Power ring, Ruby
Orc leader Doświadczenie104 Gold14 496 0 hit fire
energy energy Aurea Freezer rune, Frostbringer, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Ruby
Orc raider Doświadczenie76 Gold11 386 0 hit fire
energy energy Aurea Freezer rune, Frostbringer, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Power ring, Ruby
Overseer Doświadczenie0 Gold0 1632 -2 hit fire
soul soul Erebos Torael prison key
Peasant Doświadczenie104 Gold14 496 -1 hit ice
soul soul Yabutu Faraday skirt, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Mithril helmet
Petty Doświadczenie180 Gold22 777 0 hit
hit hit Starfish Island Sailor cap, Sailor helmet, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Pharaoh Doświadczenie232 Gold29 1018 -3 hit ice
soul soul Solahmar Magma crown, Magma headpiece
Phorus Doświadczenie203 Gold24 833 0 hit
fire fire energy Starfish Island Armoured cap, Armoured shield, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Polar bear Doświadczenie67 Gold10 353 0 hit ice
fire fire St. Nivalis Basting hood, Leather legs, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Twinkling sapphire
Pond croco Doświadczenie236 Gold26 927 0 hit
hit hit Treasure Island
Priest Doświadczenie253 Gold31 1094 0 hit
soul soul Solahmar
Primeguard Doświadczenie121 Gold16 558 0 hit
ice ice energy energy Yabutu Bommelsword, Fan, Focus shield, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Protacelas Doświadczenie355 Gold45 1606 0 hit energy
fire fire Riftion Crown armour, Freezing ore, Great healt porion, Great mana potion, Green rift jewel, Kings cloak
Quadjinn Doświadczenie351 Gold48 1712 0 hit ice
fire Castle Rock
Raaxaxar Doświadczenie500 Gold5000 383 0 hit ice soul
fire fire St. Nivalis Fortified legs, Minor mana potion, Spellwielder hat
Rabid bear Doświadczenie45 Gold8 289 0 hit
fire fire Aurea Flogging rune, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Priest ring, Sword
Rabid bear Doświadczenie45 Gold8 289 0 hit
fire fire Ashmor Flogging rune, Minor health potion, Minor mana potion, Priest ring, Sword
Raider Doświadczenie217 Gold25 856 0 hit
hit hit Solahmar Battle amulet, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Raidguar Doświadczenie230 Gold26 925 0 hit
hit hit ice ice Solahmar Battle amulet, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Recruit Doświadczenie108 Gold15 510 0 hit
ice energy energy Yabutu Bommelsword, Fan, Focus shield
Redeath Doświadczenie252 Gold28 979 0 hit
fire fire Hunterra Health potion, Mana potion
Restless Doświadczenie34 Gold7 242 -1 hit ice
soul soul Ashmor Branding stamp, Fur-lined cap, Fur-lined legs, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Twinkling emerald
Restliss Doświadczenie121 Gold16 558 -1 hit ice
soul soul Yabutu Faraday skirt, Mithril helmet
Restluss Doświadczenie121 Gold16 558 -1 hit ice
soul soul Yabutu Faraday skirt, Mithril helmet
Rishombie Doświadczenie242 Gold21 942 -2 hit ice
soul soul Treasure Island Health potion, Mana potion, Shaolin robe, Shogun armour
Ristless Doświadczenie121 Gold16 558 -1 hit ice
soul soul Yabutu Faraday skirt, Mithril helmet, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Ristloss Doświadczenie121 Gold16 558 -1 hit ice
soul soul Yabutu Faraday skirt, Mithril helmet
Rivcroc Doświadczenie217 Gold25 862 0 hit
ice ice Solahmar
Rostless Doświadczenie121 Gold16 558 -1 hit ice
soul soul Yabutu Faraday skirt, Mithril helmet
Rotten Doświadczenie224 Gold25 884 0 ice
soul soul Colossea
Rottummy Doświadczenie230 Gold18 912 -3 hit ice
fire soul soul Solahmar, Treasure Island Health potion, Magma crown, Magma headpiece, Mana potion
Royalghoul Doświadczenie308 Gold36 1292 -2 hit ice
fire soul Circusia Health potion, Mana potion, Sapphire
Royalmummy Doświadczenie349 Gold47 1678 -2 hit ice
fire soul soul Doratia Archon ring, Archon talisman, Great health potion, Great mana potion
Royambie Doświadczenie371 Gold54 1910 0 hit ice
soul soul Circusia, Ephialtis Great health potion, Great mana potion, Great might potion, Major health potion, Major mana potion
Rustless Doświadczenie121 Gold16 558 -1 hit ice
soul soul Yabutu Faraday skirt, Mithril helmet
Sabrecat Doświadczenie71 Gold11 372 0 hit
fire fire St. Nivalis Basting shield, Field armour, Field ring, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Sabrerus Doświadczenie94 Gold13 460 0 hit
fire fire St. Nivalis Field ring, Focus helmet, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Spellwielder shirt, Twinkling sapphire
Salomon Doświadczenie246 Gold30 1050 0 hit
hit hit Solahmar Battle amulet
Saurial Doświadczenie348 Gold47 1663 0 hit fire
ice ice Doratia Archon ring, Archon talisman, Control rod, Great health potion, Great mana potion
Scarab Doświadczenie217 Gold25 862 0 hit
fire fire Solahmar Blessed brooch, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Scarapha Doświadczenie230 Gold26 912 0 hit
fire fire Solahmar Blessed brooch, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Scaraqueen Doświadczenie260 Gold31 1115 0 hit
fire fire Solahmar
Scorcher Doświadczenie330 Gold42 1481 0 fire
ice ice Circusia Demonstone, Health potion, Magma axe, Miracle herb, Ruby, Scepter of fire
Scorpiant Doświadczenie211 Gold24 777 0 hit ice
fire fire Solahmar Battle ring, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Scorpigotu Doświadczenie224 Gold25 884 0 hit ice
fire fire Solahmar Battle ring, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Scorpion Doświadczenie18 Gold5 173 0 hit energy
fire fire Aurea, Solahmar, Solahmar Isles Mace, Magic root, Minor health potion
Scout Doświadczenie252 Gold28 979 0 hit ice
Scratchy Doświadczenie94 Gold13 460 0 hit
fire fire St. Nivalis Basting shield, Field armour, Field ring, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Shadow Doświadczenie163 Gold21 748 0 hit ice
soul soul Fabulara Arctic spike, Shiver rune, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Twinkling emerald
Sheriff Doświadczenie312 Gold38 1360 -1 hit ice
soul soul Ashmor Ember rune, Fire sword, Miracle herb
Shiveron Doświadczenie284 Gold23 1133 -3 hit ice
fire fire Circusia, St. Nivalis Chastity ring, Dragon pearl, Glove of eternity, Gold ring, Hardwater ring, Health potion, Mana potion, Sword of legend
Shogun Doświadczenie113 Gold15 525 -1 hit
fire fire Yabutu Brass helmet, Enlighted shirt, Shaoshield mill, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Tiger oil
Shombie Doświadczenie89 Gold13 515 -2 hit ice
soul soul Aurea Basting shirt, Field helmet, Ice rune, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Skeleguard Doświadczenie57 Gold9 318 -1 hit ice
soul soul Ashmor, Aurea Fire discus, Fire rune, Freezer shield, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Skelenary Doświadczenie39 Gold8 255 -1 hit ice
soul soul Ashmor Axe, Freezer shield, Incensor, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Skeleton Doświadczenie21 Gold6 198 -1 hit ice
fire soul soul Ashmor, Aurea, Solahmar, Solahmar Isles Flash hacker, Freezer shield, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Spark stick
Skelpirate Doświadczenie296 Gold34 1205 -1 hit energy
soul soul Circusia, Starfish Island Eye patch, Health potion, Mana potion, Thunder hook, Topaz
Skelraider Doświadczenie315 Gold38 1344 0 hit energy
soul soul Colossea
Skonkey Doświadczenie131 Gold18 614 0 hit soul
hit hit Banuna Chastity legs, Chastity pants, Onyx, Skull ring, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Slaveward Doświadczenie230 Gold26 912 0 hit
hit fire fire Solahmar
Slime Doświadczenie7 Gold3 109 -1 hit energy
ice ice Aurea, Lybera Magic spoon, Minor health potion, Minor mana potion, Short sword
Small eye Doświadczenie62 Gold8 293 0 hit
ice ice Aurea, Banuna Holy discus, Holy lance
Smelliot Doświadczenie155 Gold20 654 -2 hit ice
fire fire St. Nivalis Crystal chain, Sapphire, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Twinkling sapphire
Snake Doświadczenie2 Gold1 44 0 hit
ice ice Aurea, Banuna, Fabulara, Lybera, Solahmar Isles Feathered stick, Glowing hammer, Minor health potion, Minor mana potion
Sobek Doświadczenie246 Gold30 1061 0 hit
ice ice Solahmar
Solahmaga Doświadczenie230 Gold26 925 0 hit
hit hit ice ice Solahmar Battle amulet, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Solahmari Doświadczenie217 Gold25 856 0 hit
hit hit Solahmar Battle amulet, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Sparkle Doświadczenie1 Gold1 50 0 energy
Island games pearls
Spectral Doświadczenie284 Gold32 1133 -2 hit ice
soul Phoenix Haven Small healt potion, Small mana potion, Spectral crystal
Sphinga Doświadczenie468 Gold63 3126 0 hit fire
ice ice Aurea Major health potion, Major mana potion
Sphinx Doświadczenie0 Gold0 927 0 hit soul
fire fire Solahmar Health potion, Mana potion
Sphinx Doświadczenie236 Gold26 927 0 hit soul
fire fire Solahmar Health potion, Mana potion, Sphinx eye talisman
Spider Doświadczenie4 Gold2 79 0 hit
hit hit fire fire Aurea, Fabulara, Lybera Blazing crystal, Melee mallet, Minor health potion, Minor mana potion
Squirrel Doświadczenie2 Gold2 65 0 hit
ice ice Aurea Minor health potion, Minor mana potion
Squirrel Doświadczenie2 Gold2 65 -3 hit
hit fire ice energy soul Phoenix Haven Forestis core
Stamper Doświadczenie146 Gold20 699 0 hit
fire fire Colossea
Stormey Doświadczenie196 Gold23 819 0 hit fire
ice ice Aurea Robes, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Twinkling emerald
Sunspark Doświadczenie346 Gold46 1648 0 hit soul
ice Doratia Energy ring, Great health potion, Great mana potion, Magma axe, Scepter of fire
Swabby Doświadczenie188 Gold23 799 -1 hit
energy energy Starfish Island Sailor legs, Sailor pants, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Tarantula Doświadczenie71 Gold11 372 0 hit
fire fire St. Nivalis Fire rune, Incensor, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Tarmonted Doświadczenie50 Gold9 303 -1 hit ice
soul soul Ashmor Fur-lined cap, Fur-lined legs, Ghost blood, Twinkling emerald, War hammer
Taumantis Doświadczenie146 Gold20 639 0 hit soul
fire fire Aurea Small health potion, Small mana potion, Splatter helmet, Splatter hood
Tempdragon Doświadczenie117 Gold16 567 -1 hit energy
ice ice Yabutu
Tempguard Doświadczenie108 Gold15 510 0 hit
ice energy energy Yabutu Bommelsword, Fan, Focus shield, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Tentacle Doświadczenie188 Gold23 772 0 hit ice
fire fire Starfish Island Armoured amulet, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Terrorbird Doświadczenie180 Gold22 777 0 hit
fire fire energy Banuna, Starfish Island Armoured cap, Armoured shield, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Thunderey Doświadczenie172 Gold22 762 0 hit fire
ice ice Aurea Robes, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Twinkling emerald
Thutmosis Doświadczenie750 Gold5000 1530 -3 hit ice
fire soul soul Solahmar Energy blade, Energy discus
Timuburk Doświadczenie85 Gold20 570 -1 hit fire
energy energy Aurea Angelic armour, Angelic mantle
Titanops Doświadczenie351 Gold48 1765 0 hit energy
soul Castle Rock
Torael Doświadczenie1000 Gold100 2136 -3 fire soul
soul soul Erebos
Tormented Doświadczenie50 Gold9 303 -1 hit ice
soul soul Ashmor Fur-lined cap, Fur-lined legs, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Twinkling emerald, War hammer
Torturer Doświadczenie113 Gold15 613 -1 hit
ice ice energy energy Yabutu The hole key
Trangler Doświadczenie155 Gold20 599 -1 hit
fire fire Banuna Chain helmet, Emerald, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Winter legs
Treant Doświadczenie155 Gold20 726 -2 hit
fire fire Fabulara Crystal chain, Emerald, Rune of winter, Shimmering onyx, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Treant Doświadczenie155 Gold20 726 -2 hit
fire fire Fabulara Crystal chain, Emerald, Rune of winter, Shimmering onyx
Troll Doświadczenie131 Gold18 547 -1 hit
fire fire energy Ashmor, Aurea, Banuna Chain helmet, Emerald, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Winter legs
Troll Doświadczenie113 Gold15 525 0 hit
fire fire Colossea
Trollsmash Doświadczenie139 Gold19 553 -1 hit
fire fire Banuna Chain helmet, Emerald, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Winter legs
Twishade Doświadczenie372 Gold54 1320 0 hit ice
soul soul Circusia, Ephialtis Great health potion, Great mana potion, Great might potion, Major health potion, Major mana potion
Twombie Doświadczenie113 Gold15 613 -2 hit ice
soul soul Ashmor Basting shirt, Field helmet, Ice rune, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Tyraclops Doświadczenie281 Gold32 1484 0 hit energy
energy energy Aurea, Vargos Frostbringer, Rune of winter, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Spark chain, Topaz
Tyrannix Doświadczenie336 Gold43 1452 0 hit
fire fire Riftion Crown legs, Freezing ore, Great healt porion, Great mana potion, Kings trousers, Red rift jewel
Vamp bat Doświadczenie30 Gold7 228 0 hit
energy energy Ashmor Freezer planks, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Nivalian ring, Silver mace
Vampelder Doświadczenie374 Gold55 1786 0 hit ice
soul soul Circusia, Ephialtis Freezing ore, Major health potion, Major mana potion, Major might potion, Mutilator, Staff of pain
Vampire Doświadczenie180 Gold22 738 0 hit ice
soul soul Aurea Cozy warmring, Dragon slayer, Ice discus, Ruby ring, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Vamplord Doświadczenie431 Gold53 2617 0 hit ice
soul soul Ashmor Cozy warmring, Dragon slayer, Health potion, Ice discus, Mana potion, Ruby ring
Vampmaster Doświadczenie230 Gold26 864 0 hit ice
soul soul Ashmor, Treasure Island Cozy warmring, Dragon slayer, Health potion, Ice discus, Mana potion, Ruby ring
Walrull Doświadczenie80 Gold12 401 0 hit
hit fire fire St. Nivalis Field ring, Focus helmet, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Spellwielder hat, Twinkling sapphire
Walrus Doświadczenie67 Gold10 353 0 hit
hit fire fire St. Nivalis Field ring, Focus helmet, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion, Spellwielder shirt, Twinkling sapphire
Warden Doświadczenie108 Gold15 510 0 hit
ice energy energy Yabutu Bommelsword, Fan, Focus shield
Warden Doświadczenie113 Gold15 525 -1 hit
fire fire Yabutu Bommelsword, Cell key, Fan, Focus shield
Watchdog Doświadczenie117 Gold16 495 0 hit
fire fire Yabutu
Werewolf Doświadczenie180 Gold22 753 0 hit
fire fire Aurea Fugazor, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Splatterstick
Whirlwind Doświadczenie342 Gold45 1606 0 hit soul
energy energy Colossea
Wiashi Doświadczenie125 Gold17 586 -1 hit
fire fire Yabutu Brass legs, Enlighted cap, Shaoshield mill, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Widow Doświadczenie50 Gold9 303 0 hit
fire fire Ashmor Fire rune, Incensor, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Wisp Doświadczenie379 Gold56 1997 0 hit ice soul
energy energy Fabulara Energy ring, Fine health potion, Fine mana potion, Magma axe, Scepter of fire
Witch Doświadczenie146 Gold20 699 0 hit fire
ice ice Aurea, Fabulara Robes, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Twinkling emerald
Wolf Doświadczenie5 Gold3 92 0 hit
hit hit fire fire Aurea, Fabulara, Lybera Magic spoon, Minor health potion, Minor mana potion, Short sword
Wudan Doświadczenie141 Gold20 685 0 hit soul
hit fire Banuna Small health potion, Small mana potion
Wudu Doświadczenie131 Gold18 533 0 hit soul
hit fire Banuna Small health potion, Small mana potion
Yeti Doświadczenie134 Gold18 571 -2 hit ice
fire fire St. Nivalis Crystal chain, Sapphire, Small health potion, Small mana potion, Twinkling sapphire
Yetor Doświadczenie94 Gold25 552 0 hit
fire fire St. Nivalis Minor health potion
Young yeti Doświadczenie71 Gold11 387 -2 hit ice
fire fire St. Nivalis Girtonyclerine
Zealot Doświadczenie344 Gold46 1626 0 hit soul
hit energy energy Doratia Archon ring, Archon talisman, Great health potion, Great mana potion, Twinkling emerald
Zombie Doświadczenie63 Gold10 387 -2 hit ice
fire soul soul Ashmor, Aurea Basting shirt, Field helmet, Ice rune, Lesser health potion, Lesser mana potion
Zompforz Doświadczenie20 Gold5 666 -2 hit ice
fire soul soul Ashmor Basting shirt, Field helmet, Ice rune, Minor health potion, Minor mana potion
Zorklosh Doświadczenie63 Gold11 470 0 hit fire
energy energy Aurea Freezer rune, Frostbringer, Goodnight orc
Zottel Doświadczenie203 Gold24 833 -2 hit ice
fire fire St. Nivalis Crystal ring, Small health potion, Small mana potion
Zuppel Doświadczenie172 Gold22 762 -2 hit ice
fire fire St. Nivalis Crystal ring, Small health potion, Small mana potion
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