Pet Damage Protection Weakness HP Attack Defense
Bear hit hit fire 115-1239 29-189 13-90
Behemoth fire soul ice energy 1420-1532 209-249 98-116
Blackdrake soul fire ice energy 642-1464 122-239 60-112
Bloodfly energy hit hit 126-1363 29-189 13-90
Bonedragon hit ice fire energy soul 1239-1335 209-249 98-116
Cerberus hit hit fire 1363-1464 189-239 90-112
Crocodile hit ice hit 152-1649 29-189 13-90
Cyclops energy fire energy 115-1239 29-189 13-90
Demon fire energy ice soul 1420-1532 209-249 98-116
Dragon fire hit soul ice 642-1464 122-239 60-112
Drakewhelp hit fire hit ice 126-1363 29-189 13-90
Eye fire energy ice 152-1649 29-189 13-90
Farmzombie hit energy energy hit 292-1282 77-239 37-112
Ghost ice hit soul 216-1772 44-239 21-112
Hell Guard hit fire ice soul 1420-1532 209-249 98-116
Hornet fire ice hit 126-1363 29-189 13-90
Ice Dragon ice hit ice fire 642-1464 122-239 60-112
Krakomin energy soul soul hit 1239-1335 209-249 98-116
Lich ice hit fire 179-1464 44-239 21-112
Long energy energy soul hit 642-1464 122-239 60-112
Mammoth ice hit fire 152-1649 29-189 13-90
Mantis soul hit fire 115-1239 29-189 13-90
Mummy ice hit fire 322-1464 77-239 37-112
Peasant ice energy hit soul 389-1772 77-239 37-112
Phoenix fire soul soul ice 729-1335 134-249 65-116
Polarbear ice hit fire 115-1239 29-189 13-90
Sabre Cat ice fire energy 126-1363 29-189 13-90
Shadow ice hit soul 389-1772 77-239 37-112
Skeleton hit fire soul 126-1363 29-189 13-90
Skelpirate hit energy fire soul 801-1532 134-249 65-116
Skonkey soul fire ice 152-1649 29-189 13-90
Skorpion energy energy fire 152-1649 29-189 13-90
Sphinx energy hit ice 1649-1772 189-239 90-112
Terrorbird fire hit energy 115-1239 29-189 13-90
Troll hit hit energy 115-1239 29-189 13-90
Vampire ice hit energy 292-1282 77-239 37-112
Wolf hit soul fire 126-1363 29-189 13-90
Yeti ice energy hit 115-1239 29-189 13-90
Zombie hit ice energy hit 162-1282 44-239 21-112
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