since many question for the subject,post any of the answers or other question related with it here. other thread will be close for easy discussion in here.
What the achievement :
- A close call
- sauna lover
- insane mole
- mirror eater
- a steady stone
- improba wobble
- super wobble
- hyper wobble
- pirate masterr
help me please...
me too!!! what happen?? and explorer trainee too... i have play tibiame before portal have been there.. btw, pls replay my post in forum quest...
btw, how to open acvment steady stone ?? sorry, if i have to many questions, hehehe,, thanks before
What the achievement :
- A close call
- sauna lover
- insane mole
- mirror eater
- a steady stone
- improba wobble
- super wobble
- hyper wobble
- pirate masterr
help me please...
busyet banyak amat izu?gw bantu sebisa gw ya?a close call tu kmu tanding sama orang(gladus boleh) darahmu tgl stetes tp kmu msh bs menang.pirate master tu nyelesain smua episod di starfish island.
Life is a competition. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
BUT....both are good to shape a BETTER
nad maw nanya nih.aku kan dah bunuh king captain lobralo tapi kok ga dapat wake up dead kenapa ya?apakah ini bug?
Kalo mau dptin achievement ini,kamu msti bhasil bunuh lobrallo 1 by 1,ga boleh teman ikut serta,kalo ga ada juga achievement nya,bikin laporan ke
nad maw nanya nih.aku kan dah bunuh king captain lobralo tapi kok ga dapat wake up dead kenapa ya?apakah ini bug?
Kalo mau dptin achievement ini,kamu msti bhasil bunuh lobrallo 1 by 1,ga boleh teman ikut serta,kalo ga ada juga achievement nya,bikin laporan ke
tapi temenku juga ngehajar dia rame2 tapi bisa dapet.kok aku ga dapat?trus kalo udah lawan lobralo apa bisa dilawan lagi?aku ngomong ke npc mart udah ga dikasih purify potion lagi.
Life is a competition. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
BUT....both are good to shape a BETTER
nad maw nanya nih.aku kan dah bunuh king captain lobralo tapi kok ga dapat wake up dead kenapa ya?apakah ini bug?
Kalo mau dptin achievement ini,kamu msti bhasil bunuh lobrallo 1 by 1,ga boleh teman ikut serta,kalo ga ada juga achievement nya,bikin laporan ke
tapi temenku juga ngehajar dia rame2 tapi bisa dapet.kok aku ga dapat?trus kalo udah lawan lobralo apa bisa dilawan lagi?aku ngomong ke npc mart udah ga dikasih purify potion lagi.
Makanya,pake aja char kamu yg ke2,pake jug(purify water) dan udah ada lobralo,kamu atk pake char yg kamu mau. Nah, Mesti dpt tu