warrior_male Nadjhero w6 Offline
22 de dez. de 2010, 06:54
Topics: 2 Posts: 5

Thread refreshed after Spring Update.

[ Low Level Organization ]
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
4 de ago. de 2011, 21:14
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

No prob ;)

Invokerz w24 Offline
5 de ago. de 2011, 02:35
Topics: 2 Posts: 37

Goldust [23] escrevi:
MO-Nady [7] escrevi:
Try zombie or ghost white
Tq nady,hehe
that too slow.i hunt mumy got 300k a day.i'm wiz lv 33

w24 ''wo ai ni''
warrior_male Hitokiri w19 Offline
5 de ago. de 2011, 03:45
Topics: 0 Posts: 37

lvl 56 hunt ap y...mumi or red ibex?
warrior_male Batboy w22 Offline
5 de ago. de 2011, 04:11
Topics: 12 Posts: 910

Hitokiri [19] escrevi:
lvl 56 hunt ap y...mumi or red ibex?
If you're a warrior, just hunt mummy (easy to kill). And, if you're a wizard, I suggest you to not hunt them at that level. ;-)

Batboy (w22), Tibia-ME.net moderator 2011
wizard_female Chema w22 Offline
5 de ago. de 2011, 04:43
Topics: 4 Posts: 96

wiz 56
War 56

Hunt naga ice ato f.e tp hrus ad wariord up 60 yg t.b. . .itu kalo g. . Hehe. .

warrior_male Megatz w8 Offline
5 de ago. de 2011, 04:56
Topics: 2 Posts: 6

Megatz [8] escrevi:
what is the best armour for hunting mixed of aquata and skelpirate?
warrior_male Fazz w13 Offline
5 de ago. de 2011, 05:17
Topics: 1 Posts: 28

Megatz [8] escrevi:
Megatz [8] escrevi:
what is the best armour for hunting mixed of aquata and skelpirate?
Corsair set, bleesed brooch, skull ring, crusader shield
wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
5 de ago. de 2011, 15:36
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

Dyomash [22] escrevi:
Yes.Battlemage armour you can buy on Starrfish.
oh... I have search on town starrfissh... where in the heaven could the shop be????

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
warrior_male Dyomash w22 Offline
5 de ago. de 2011, 17:46
Topics: 1 Posts: 131

Ultranova [14] escrevi:
Dyomash [22] escrevi:
Yes.Battlemage armour you can buy on Starrfish.
oh... I have search on town starrfissh... where in the heaven could the shop be????
North-West side of town.On the ship.
wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
5 de ago. de 2011, 21:35
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

Dyomash [22] escrevi:
Ultranova [14] escrevi:
Dyomash [22] escrevi:
Yes.Battlemage armour you can buy on Starrfish.
oh... I have search on town starrfissh... where in the heaven could the shop be????
North-West side of town.On the ship.
Gotcha! 8-) I got battlemage legs, there are also battlemage arm0r n gladiat0r arm0r n leg, so the helmet havent released after all... Anyways thanks 4 detailed info :-D

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
warrior_male Hitokiri w19 Offline
5 de ago. de 2011, 22:44
Topics: 0 Posts: 37

MO-Batboy [22] escrevi:
Hitokiri [19] escrevi:
lvl 56 hunt ap y...mumi or red ibex?
If you're a warrior, just hunt mummy (easy to kill). And, if you're a wizard, I suggest you to not hunt them at that level. ;-)
where i can find much of them?mumi aurea(trap)or solah
wizard_female Chema w22 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 03:59
Topics: 4 Posts: 96

mumy in aurea trap udh jd zomby. . .hahaha

Di labirin solahmar ama d quest orculum. . .hehe

wizard_female Chema w22 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 04:01
Topics: 4 Posts: 96

mau tanya. . .kalo raja dem0n kluar kan ada txt gni. " run like hell hornig is here " nah kasih tau dong king2 yg lain gmana?. Mw ikut hajar king ni. .thanks

warrior_male Rahman w22 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 04:15
Topics: 0 Posts: 7

Chema [22] escrevi:
mau tanya. . .kalo raja dem0n kluar kan ada txt gni. " run like hell hornig is here " nah kasih tau dong king2 yg lain gmana?. Mw ikut hajar king ni. .thanks
There's something bad brewing
under Ashmor's Evil castle.

Even more demons under Ashmor's
evil castle.

Run like hell! Hornig is here!
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 04:17
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

"Francis is here,duck and cover" = Francis(musco) , " Onechenbar had broken the shackle of the underworld" = Onechenbar(f.zombie) , "someone REALLY angry,Thutmosis rise from sandy grave" = Thutmosis(mummy)

wizard_female Chema w22 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 04:23
Topics: 4 Posts: 96

kalo yg d frostingen ap? N tmpatnya d mana?


warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 05:26
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

odon the vampire begin the black celebration.

warrior_male Hitokiri w19 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 06:59
Topics: 0 Posts: 37

perlu brp org buat quest henry solahmar??
Invokerz w24 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 09:12
Topics: 2 Posts: 37

Hitokiri [19] escrevi:
perlu brp org buat quest henry solahmar??

w24 ''wo ai ni''
Invokerz w24 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 09:15
Topics: 2 Posts: 37

Chema [22] escrevi:
mumy in aurea trap udh jd zomby. . .hahaha

Di labirin solahmar ama d quest orculum. . .hehe
now oraculum quest in aurea still hve mumy there?

w24 ''wo ai ni''
wizard_male Mrzon w30 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 11:02
Topics: 0 Posts: 10

What best armor wiz for hunt ninjana??

:wc: to B R B Com
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 11:39
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Invokerz [24] escrevi:
Chema [22] escrevi:
mumy in aurea trap udh jd zomby. . .hahaha

Di labirin solahmar ama d quest orculum. . .hehe
now oraculum quest in aurea still hve mumy there?

warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 11:41
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Mrzon [30] escrevi:
What best armor wiz for hunt ninjana??
eyepatch,full set of shaolin,energy ring,static shield.

warrior_male Dyomash w22 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 14:37
Topics: 1 Posts: 131

MO-Nady [7] escrevi:
Mrzon [30] escrevi:
What best armor wiz for hunt ninjana??
eyepatch,full set of shaolin,energy ring,static shield.
Why eye patch,why not steel chain?
wizard_male Seribuana w3 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 15:08
Topics: 3 Posts: 97

Dyomash [22] escrevi:
MO-Nady [7] escrevi:
Mrzon [30] escrevi:
What best armor wiz for hunt ninjana??
eyepatch,full set of shaolin,energy ring,static shield.
Why eye patch,why not steel chain?
Or amulet of earth?

A quo
te from npc roy ( come back when you are dead ) understand it's meaning and we will know what's needed to be a great person.
warrior_male Dyomash w22 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 17:19
Topics: 1 Posts: 131

Hi.Which monster drop spikey helmet?Or maybe it's quest item? Tnx.:?
warrior_male Batboy w22 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 17:30
Topics: 12 Posts: 910

Dyomash [22] escrevi:
Hi.Which monster drop spikey helmet?Or maybe it's quest item? Tnx.:?
No info yet.

Batboy (w22), Tibia-ME.net moderator 2011
warrior_male Dyomash w22 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 17:42
Topics: 1 Posts: 131

MO-Batboy [22] escrevi:
Dyomash [22] escrevi:
Hi.Which monster drop spikey helmet?Or maybe it's quest item? Tnx.:?
No info yet.
But it's exist in game.In our world Rucs selling Spikey helmet in trade house.
warrior_male Batboy w22 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 17:51
Topics: 12 Posts: 910

Dyomash [22] escrevi:
MO-Batboy [22] escrevi:
Dyomash [22] escrevi:
Hi.Which monster drop spikey helmet?Or maybe it's quest item? Tnx.:?
No info yet.
But it's exist in game.In our world Rucs selling Spikey helmet in trade house.
Yes. I know it's exist. It's hood (replace with spikey helmet for warrior), before Spring Update, hornets drop it.

Batboy (w22), Tibia-ME.net moderator 2011
warrior_male Dyomash w22 Offline
6 de ago. de 2011, 17:57
Topics: 1 Posts: 131

Maybe you'll ask her :)?I think she don't speake english :(
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