Youie w13 Offline
2 lis 2010, 12:25
Topics: 3 Posts: 9

why i cant play tibiame on my motorola e398 on screen writen java lang error n java null eror please help me i want to play tibia me please i have tried tibiame on basic client plz plz plz
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
3 lis 2010, 07:15
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Maybe your cellphone didn't support TibiaME.

Youie w13 Offline
3 lis 2010, 12:58
Topics: 3 Posts: 9

i can play tibiame in 1.63 but when its update to 1.70 i cant play tibiame
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
4 lis 2010, 03:49
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Hm,report at official website A.S.A.P

Youie w13 Offline
6 lis 2010, 08:43
Topics: 3 Posts: 9

what's A.S.A.P mean?
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
6 lis 2010, 16:20
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

As soon as possible

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