4 year.. But start regster 2 year ago.. N0w lv 72.. But already sale.. Im also play other wol until lv 74 already sale.. Just my wiz lv 52.. N im want to buy new char lv 90.. Ehe
ngam.. Dulu war mana dapt lari2, urg mampan pt arena.. Yth mun kna kpung kna kaja kn tu.. Haha.. Ingt ku maseh lvl ku 6.. Mrayau hunt bug.. X msuk tangga bnyk skeltn.. Arh marshlnd.. Ahaha n0ob maseh 2
ahaha..bh yg aku..trmasuk pat drgn dlu..ahaha! Lge th noob.lv 2 pat drgn..ahaha..ane ku lupa pas nya..ku try2,nda mau msk..wol 1 to dlu...aku yg legend ne..aha! Dlu ciuk,lv 1 ja dpt msk tmpt yg bukn2..
ahaha...mybe the last last wiz tht stil standing in w8! Aha..peace!
since 2003. (: yes mobius top rank. level 60plus. where non premium can go to in to premium areas. but only in aurea. i quit twice, and came back. played in the same world with mobius, which is world 2. and i know mrrufes ada team RG. lol. yes, no tambus tambus. no portals. we have to walk all the way kalau kena halau. best weapon back then was d.s. once ada arena nya punya tanah warna brown. consider you guys lucky. and also, i'm a female. (;
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