warrior_male Swiftness w6 Offline
17 de out. de 2010, 06:55
Topics: 8 Posts: 7

Spel war untk pa kan 2? Spell macam criple, frunetic fury, righteous fury? Untuk apa kan?
wizard_male Jinnotti w5 Offline
17 de out. de 2010, 07:58
Topics: 0 Posts: 34

Cripple n apathy sama tuk lemah kn musuh..Tpi ada bezanya..Yg bisainya test ja..
Frenetic fury tuk supaya attack mu makin kuat..
Opera of blood sama jua tpi tuk urg sama guild mu jua dpt powernya kalau ko pkai ampir ia..Beguna msa guild hunt
wizard_male Mystery w25 Offline
17 de out. de 2010, 08:01
Topics: 2 Posts: 84

buff itu bwt kuatkan atk

¤play warrior is super very²
easy ¤
play wizard is super
very² hard¤
warrior_male Swiftness w6 Offline
17 de out. de 2010, 10:00
Topics: 8 Posts: 7

Kalau damage debuff
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
17 de out. de 2010, 13:10
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Attack buff sama damage buff,damage buff lg kuat :D

warrior_male Venom w26 Offline
23 de out. de 2010, 13:35
Topics: 7 Posts: 78

Opera blood gud. Kuat tu. It increase your damage n hit % on something. K.Lau frenetic fury just damage gnya naek,tpi kuat g opera

# F.E.A.R #

wizard_male Hidup w8 Offline
24 de out. de 2010, 01:46
Topics: 10 Posts: 146

frenetic fury kuat plg..tpi solo..opera of blood lge kuat,dpt 1 guild makai tpi mkn nyawa..dfence low leh nya..atck mlatop plg..

ahaha...mybe the last last wiz tht stil standing in w8! Aha..peace!
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