new wpn drop in new dmon place s.o.d (sword of deepest) 120thundr 50hit 15fire for level 90 go find it in dmon place lv80 can enter with demonstone Huhu
Yup,It is fake. See the damage logo arrangement that seems unusual then others.
compare to lightbender and see the differences,
lightbender must got fire logo first then energy,but this S.O.D got energy first,then fire,what a craps!
new wpn drop in new dmon place s.o.d (sword of deepest) 120thundr 50hit 15fire for level 90 go find it in dmon place lv80 can enter with demonstone Huhu
I think This t0pic should be shut d0wn, so it w0nt make big c0ntr0versial, people n0wadays are clever en0ugh to distinguish fake n real, right or false.... So lets better change subject rather wasting time, byte, n GPRS fee talking this matter....
__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out
new wpn drop in new dmon place s.o.d (sword of deepest) 120thundr 50hit 15fire for level 90 go find it in dmon place lv80 can enter with demonstone Huhu
I think This t0pic should be shut d0wn, so it w0nt make big c0ntr0versial, people n0wadays are clever en0ugh to distinguish fake n real, right or false.... So lets better change subject rather wasting time, byte, n GPRS fee talking this matter....
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