warrior_female Liaaaaa w25 Offline
7 de set. de 2010, 02:27
Topics: 11 Posts: 24

Nok 5200

: )
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
7 de set. de 2010, 04:30
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584


warrior_male Afk w15 Offline
7 de set. de 2010, 05:37
Topics: 2 Posts: 12

n70 t0o

:D indonesia my life
wizard_male Soerya w22 Offline
7 de set. de 2010, 08:05
Topics: 2 Posts: 12

N73 + N-Gage
:) :) :)

◄☼Play TibiaME 4ever☼►
warrior_male Cloudzhm w20 Offline
7 de set. de 2010, 11:28
Topics: 8 Posts: 66


Don't give up if your dead and lost exp ('',)v

warrior_male Crazio w10 Offline
7 de set. de 2010, 15:12
Topics: 7 Posts: 296

N70, N79, N5320xm(spare)

warrior_male Misiq w24 Offline
7 de set. de 2010, 21:11
Topics: 1 Posts: 1

Nokia 5800 xm Best fon xD
wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
7 de set. de 2010, 22:05
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

The m0st ancient classic old ph0ne, Nokia 6681 :lol:

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
warrior_male Crazio w10 Offline
7 de set. de 2010, 23:01
Topics: 7 Posts: 296

The m0st ancient classic old ph0ne, Nokia 6681 :lol:
inda eh. motorola, samsung, ericsson, alcatel.. :p

wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
7 de set. de 2010, 23:16
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

But u n0t use it n menti0ned here arent u? :lol:
besides is that ph0ne can play TibiaME? S0me old series mybe n0t... :lol:

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
wizard_female Fe w16 Offline
8 de set. de 2010, 04:39
Topics: 2 Posts: 327

Nokia 5320xm, iPhone 3g S, HTC Diamond black... :lol:

i am very tired for this time :(
warrior_male Crazio w10 Offline
8 de set. de 2010, 23:40
Topics: 7 Posts: 296

it cant play tibia but it can call anyone you want :lol: entah apa ckp ku ni hahaha

wizard_male Kingblue w22 Offline
11 de set. de 2010, 03:19
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

Nokia 5300 layar kcil eh

KingBlue W22 xP
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