warrior_male Adyizz w25 Offline
28 de ago. de 2010, 04:29
Topics: 5 Posts: 11

cna kn buka protal cold cave?apa quest nya?n btw cna kn msuk pintu tngah2 yg ada pagar ampir sma rumah guild..quest apa 2?help me pls..

WE ARE THE WORLD'S.. d4rkn3sz h34rtz...
wizard_female Fe w16 Offline
28 de ago. de 2010, 12:02
Topics: 2 Posts: 327

U text indimellz pat wold 25, dia toch q ajarkan dalam quest blg sja u kawan me :lol:

i am very tired for this time :(
wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
28 de ago. de 2010, 14:56
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

cna kn buka protal cold cave?apa quest nya?n btw cna kn msuk pintu tngah2 yg ada pagar ampir sma rumah guild..quest apa 2?help me pls..
Quest Greezo 60+
Well, you must have enough experience for level 40. Going from the very first episode of season two - taking parchment under Aluka's house where many ghosts swarming around. Talk to Davees ,continue with one of the heroes under the Ashmor Tavern. He'll ask you to find a rescue mushroom that is located in a chest near king eye Oculus. After obtaining the mushroom you'll have to talk again with heroes and you can jump to episode 5 instantly.

Episode 5 - NPC Ridley - you'll have to find key-words from key persons named

Richard - wizard on Solahmar Lakes - East from harbor.

Julian - warrior from Lybera - near the entrance of Lizard's cave

George - warrior from Aurea Marshlands.

Anne - wizard from Aurea Mines

then talk again to NPC Ridley and you'll be teleported to Centaville.

Season 6 - Way to Greezoo

*wear fire armour

You'll need to have a partner for this episode. Burn the stump by Candle that you've purchased at Magic of Jewellry at Ashmor. Then you'll encounter eyes on your first sight. Next then, you'll find a secret buttons to press at. Named Hall of Control, Hall of Trust, Hall of whatever it is~ until you find a portal that is covered with switch. At that point, your friend need to go far west from Hall of Trust until he find a portal. Wah i can't explain anymore

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
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