warrior_male Farchan w23 Offline
Aug 28, 2010, 2:57 AM
Topics: 4 Posts: 62

'handsome' is what girls call me. Jiahahaa 8-)
warrior_male Farchan w23 Offline
Sep 6, 2010, 2:54 AM
Topics: 4 Posts: 62

Best hunter aja di ributin, tuch indonesia mau perang u mending bantu2 daripada mencet hape tapi protes mulu... KALAU NICH SITE DI TUTUP SAMA MOLODOY GAK ADA LAGI BEST HUNTER... JADI JANGAN BANYAK PROTES, GAME ITU BUKAN BUAT PROTES INI ITU, NIKMATIN AJA DECH... SALAM DAMAI... PEACE BROO... :lol:
E u salam damai tp jgn ng0t0t.. Smua org bebas pr0tes.. Gw bela kpentingan gw,, lu urus kpentingan lu.. K? Peace :lol:

'handsome' is what girls call me. Jiahahaa 8-)
wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
Sep 6, 2010, 12:35 PM
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

Lah :(

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
warrior_male Mike w5 Offline
Sep 7, 2010, 6:36 AM
Topics: 3 Posts: 28


wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
Sep 7, 2010, 10:40 PM
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

M0lodoy did u understand their language? It d0esnt matter if u d0nt understand :lol:

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
warrior_male WM-Molodoy w13 Offline
Sep 11, 2010, 4:02 PM
Topics: 54 Posts: 490

No, I didn't.
wizard_female Fe w16 Offline
Sep 12, 2010, 1:17 AM
Topics: 2 Posts: 327

Blueice (24) = Farchan (23) :knife:

Always protested :banned:

i am very tired for this time :(
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
Sep 12, 2010, 2:37 AM
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Hahaha :lol: Fe,does their text look similar to you?

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