wizard_male Mangixx w20 Офлайн
25 авг. 2010 г., 08:05
Темы: 1 Посты: 4

i need help, if you know the software name pls tell me thanks :D

www.redpatchi.wap.sh >Redpatchi
warrior_male Nady w7 Офлайн
25 авг. 2010 г., 15:22
Темы: 18 Посты: 2584

I don't know where the link for downloading snapshot at these web,because I'd download that application at here. Wierd~ :s

Anyway,you try to click this one,and search it by yourself...


wizard_female Fe w16 Офлайн
26 авг. 2010 г., 12:38
Темы: 2 Посты: 327

Screenshot developer: http://antonypranata.com/category/applications/screenshotsymbianos

i am very tired for this time :(
wizard_male Ultranova w14 Офлайн
26 авг. 2010 г., 13:24
Темы: 7 Посты: 1111

i need help, if you know the software name pls tell me thanks :D
S0me of the name is

>Smartphoneware best screensnap
>Or if you are s60v1 and v2 user try to use screen capture feature fr0m SeleQ or FExplorer....
I use SeleQ screen capturer when I use N3660 l0ng ago and the image quality is g0od en0ugh
;) http://www.google.com/m?client=ms-aff-ucweb&output=xhtml&hl=en&q=Screensnap

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
wizard_male Soulking w6 Офлайн
23 дек. 2012 г., 15:27
Темы: 0 Посты: 3

Hey nady how to screenshot?
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