Qisful w24 Offline
6 sie 2010, 23:09
Topics: 4 Posts: 5

warrior_male WM-Molodoy w13 Offline
6 sie 2010, 23:25
Topics: 54 Posts: 490

Well, they have their own website and you can ask your questions there.
warrior_male Mallboro w2 Offline
17 sie 2010, 11:33
Topics: 1 Posts: 6

Молодой, пожалуйста добавь меня во все топы на сайте...
warrior_male WM-Molodoy w13 Offline
17 sie 2010, 23:00
Topics: 54 Posts: 490

Я никого никуда не добавляю, добавлять могут только админы игры. Я только удалять могу.
Date w12 Offline
8 wrz 2010, 04:40
Topics: 1 Posts: 3

если вы хотите играть с компьютером для загрузки, то alamt где?
wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
8 wrz 2010, 05:19
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

Well, they have their own website and you can ask your questions there.
So they didnt or rarely check their supp0rted fansite ? ???

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
warrior_male WM-Molodoy w13 Offline
8 wrz 2010, 09:02
Topics: 54 Posts: 490

Well, they have their own website and you can ask your questions there.
So they didnt or rarely check their supp0rted fansite ? ???
They check but they do not take a part in our conversations.
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
8 wrz 2010, 10:12
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

But can you ask them to do so?

wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
8 wrz 2010, 16:23
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

Well, they have their own website and you can ask your questions there.
So they didnt or rarely check their supp0rted fansite ? ???
They check but they do not take a part in our conversations.
I see, it w0uld be bad if they never care their supp0rted fansite...

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
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