wizard_male Mrvodka w23 Offline
21 de mai. de 2014, 01:12
Topics: 6 Posts: 1

Thanks you very much for you GM'
if u update new armour n weapon hit ..
So, u read my post .. :)

:wc: My Guild : VODKA HIGH World : 23 Could Be Good One!! :closed:
Fryan w8 Offline
4 de jul. de 2014, 11:45
Topics: 0 Posts: 3

Maksudmu ?
What Do You Mean ?
Superdry w32 Offline
26 de ago. de 2014, 08:21
Topics: 3 Posts: 63

Enak tuh, ud brani king solahmar. Mantap, gw masi 70 an...kkk

Dear GM make Everyone got credit platinum each day for online char.
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