Odon w10 Offline
17 lip 2010, 06:31
Topics: 1 Posts: 2

wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
18 lip 2010, 06:42
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

pakai Mbmtools buat gabungin or pisahin file, Paint, Photoshop, CorelDraw, buat editing....

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
wizard_female Fe w16 Offline
24 lip 2010, 22:51
Topics: 2 Posts: 327

Aku cukup pakai image designer aja lewat hp... 1 tema plg 20 menit udah kelar... Kalau mslh fitur, dgn ID udah support smua hal yg di bthkan bwt packing & unpacking mbm file, image editing dll...

i am very tired for this time :(
wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
26 lip 2010, 11:25
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

Aku cukup pakai image designer aja lewat hp... 1 tema plg 20 menit udah kelar... Kalau mslh fitur, dgn ID udah support smua hal yg di bthkan bwt packing & unpacking mbm file, image editing dll...
ID ku nda bisa kebuka... gara2 Phyton Jadul(symbol ular)...
malez upgrade...

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
wizard_female Fe w16 Offline
26 lip 2010, 12:14
Topics: 2 Posts: 327

Hp apa n tipe?? Ntar w ksh link terbaru bwt python... Atau bsa di cek di:


i am very tired for this time :(
wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
26 lip 2010, 16:50
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

Hp apa n tipe?? Ntar w ksh link terbaru bwt python... Atau bsa di cek di:

Nokia 6681
Phyton, aifmbm ama ImageDesigner kepasang tp ID ma aifmbm nda kbuka

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
Odon w10 Offline
27 lip 2010, 15:57
Topics: 1 Posts: 2

msh ga ngerti app sudah ada :s
wizard_female Fe w16 Offline
28 lip 2010, 08:02
Topics: 2 Posts: 327

Buat s60 silahkan downlod python lybs atau modif, jd gk perlu install python, python script shell & python modul pack lg buat running aplikasi2 jenis python... Kalau s60v3 bsa pakai power python atau super python, link downloadnya ada di atas...

i am very tired for this time :(
wizard_female Fe w16 Offline
28 lip 2010, 08:06
Topics: 2 Posts: 327

Buat python based bsa di download di site ini : http://zonamobile.net/forums/?action=viewtpc,4426&page=62

atau langsung ke sumbernya: http://cakrazensis.wen.ru/Python.html

i am very tired for this time :(
wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
28 lip 2010, 12:08
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

Otey... Thanks mbak... :-D

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
warrior_male Farewell w25 Offline
29 lip 2010, 13:33
Topics: 0 Posts: 6

Aku asli gak paham, sebenernya yang di edit apanya? Ada tutorial gak si? bisa dikerjain di PC kan? untuk yang hi res memungkinkan gak buat di edit.
wizard_male Ultranova w14 Offline
30 lip 2010, 00:35
Topics: 7 Posts: 1111

Aku asli gak paham, sebenernya yang di edit apanya? Ada tutorial gak si? bisa dikerjain di PC kan? untuk yang hi res memungkinkan gak buat di edit.
file MBM nya yang diedit..
nah Tutorial website diatas toh, yang dipost Fe...

and kalo yang HIghRes mungkin bisa diedit tapi belum ada yang buat x ya

__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 8-) 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
wizard_female Fe w16 Offline
30 lip 2010, 12:45
Topics: 2 Posts: 327

Selama filenya .mbm, dapat dipastikan theme tsb dapat di edit.

i am very tired for this time :(
warrior_male Farewell w25 Offline
30 lip 2010, 20:21
Topics: 0 Posts: 6

Thanks for the reply. gw segera ke link2 yang di atas it.
Aek w15 Offline
1 sie 2010, 04:29
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

Fe,image designer ny bhs cina.
N73 ga bs baca
ver english na ad?
ID ku dwnld d wapgalaxy.net
wizard_female Fe w16 Offline
1 sie 2010, 07:06
Topics: 2 Posts: 327

To bsa d ganti bhsanya: waktu di awal kan udh ada plhn bhs: china, rusia dan english... Atau tekan tmbl opsi kiri ->> 0 ->> 1. Dlm toch ad plh bhsanya, tinggal di ganti aja. Selamat mencoba...

i am very tired for this time :(
Haradi w1 Offline
25 sty 2012, 13:20
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

boleh gangu gk :D:p
Magicczz w12 Offline
22 sty 2013, 12:47
Topics: 0 Posts: 5

e.e.e gw gx bza download mbmtool gk coco trz g pke hp n70 T_T
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