warrior_male WM-Molodoy w13 Online
3 de abr. de 2012, 17:50
Topics: 54 Posts: 490

All clients except iPhone have been updated.
Mrfool w26 Offline
3 de abr. de 2012, 22:40
Topics: 0 Posts: 3

how i get more money to use exp high??
Mrfool w26 Offline
3 de abr. de 2012, 22:40
Topics: 0 Posts: 3

how to get more money to use exp high??
Msaiful w21 Offline
4 de abr. de 2012, 00:50
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

How to get more c0in? My c0in already finish..Who know..Tell me pls..
warrior_male WM-Molodoy w13 Online
4 de abr. de 2012, 01:01
Topics: 54 Posts: 490

You can buy Platinum either from resellers or via element5.
Mrfool w26 Offline
4 de abr. de 2012, 05:01
Topics: 0 Posts: 3

yes..i buy at resellers but i cnnot get too..
wizard_female Silentme w24 Offline
4 de abr. de 2012, 08:39
Topics: 0 Posts: 15

why some of my character hve no coins,its 0 coins,but other hve 960free coins?

warrior_male WM-Molodoy w13 Online
4 de abr. de 2012, 15:09
Topics: 54 Posts: 490

Silentme [24] escrevi:
why some of my character hve no coins,its 0 coins,but other hve 960free coins?
Was your Premium time converted into Platinum coins?
wizard_female Silentme w24 Offline
5 de abr. de 2012, 04:11
Topics: 0 Posts: 15

WM-Molodoy [7] escrevi:
Silentme [24] escrevi:
why some of my character hve no coins,its 0 coins,but other hve 960free coins?
Was your Premium time converted into Platinum coins?
how i do that,coz my 1char,automatic hve free coins after update,and i use it ,,but 1char hve 0 coins.

Mzwoftibia w10 Offline
5 de abr. de 2012, 13:07
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

y my char only 1 time use coins?my char viking wol 5 pls do something gm
warrior_male Thembd w25 Offline
9 de abr. de 2012, 09:52
Topics: 0 Posts: 73

If you had bought premium recently within the last 2 months from the update then your account get credited with platinum coins.

Every vocation has it's own ups and downs stop crying for wizards!
Guild hunting is what everyone needs :) give me my friends back who left due to exp loss!
Juboitam w5 Offline
9 de abr. de 2012, 12:39
Topics: 1 Posts: 2

Why the client 2.09 classic s60, cannot see our premium time left? Is it bug or what?
warrior_male Uppi w10 Offline
10 de abr. de 2012, 06:24
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

Dear WM. .
After this update, if we die in pvp island we well lost exp, its thats true, and how many..?! Thx
Minyuk w12 Offline
10 de abr. de 2012, 07:05
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

Why all my friend get platinum? And me don't get!
wizard_male Akin w6 Offline
10 de abr. de 2012, 21:30
Topics: 1 Posts: 3

I cannot play tibiame 2.09 classic j2me im my nokia 1680.
wizard_female Bbynna w2 Offline
12 de abr. de 2012, 09:59
Topics: 0 Posts: 45

Tibiame client vers 2.09 nt gud.. always please wait .. uft make me bored .. bad lagg i hate it (((

whenever u need me
i'll always be there 4 u *
warrior_male Lucas w21 Offline
17 de abr. de 2012, 00:25
Topics: 0 Posts: 1


wizard_male Xroffkarx w21 Offline
18 de abr. de 2012, 10:15
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

all char can free go like banuna its no premium but u go a long stuck

see you
warrior_male Gust w23 Offline
21 de abr. de 2012, 15:11
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

In my android this version cause many errors, and always need to update UI and data. the solution I found is to have a copy the archive "tibiame_data" and replaced when there are errors.
Ez w14 Offline
23 de abr. de 2012, 01:56
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

Shielder w29 Offline
25 de abr. de 2012, 06:18
Topics: 1 Posts: 4

why so lagg . Cant play tibia if so lagg
wizard_male Elfes w13 Offline
25 de abr. de 2012, 11:28
Topics: 0 Posts: 9

Silentme [24] escrevi:
why some of my character hve no coins,its 0 coins,but other hve 960free coins?
because if you havent premium you cant get free platinium, I have premium and I get free platinium

yotbsd 5o
Jennxx w25 Offline
1 de ago. de 2012, 11:08
Topics: 2 Posts: 1

why i cant see my defence skills, but attack skill is their. .
Batwarrior w13 Offline
22 de abr. de 2014, 03:30
Topics: 0 Posts: 21

update jewel of experienc and new island
Batwarrior w13 Offline
22 de abr. de 2014, 03:31
Topics: 0 Posts: 21

update jewel of experience
warrior_male WM-Molodoy w13 Online
22 de abr. de 2014, 09:33
Topics: 54 Posts: 490

Batwarrior [13] escrevi:
update jewel of experience
Please stop posting this in every forum section. Use official suggestions thread on tibiame.com instead.
Batwarrior w13 Offline
25 de abr. de 2014, 09:45
Topics: 0 Posts: 21

update jewel of experience
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