Ipen w1 Offline
14 de nov. de 2011, 13:39
Topics: 1 Posts: 2

Why my char lv 38 hve prem but why? Nt in top 100??
Ipen w1 Offline
14 de nov. de 2011, 22:51
Topics: 1 Posts: 2

Ipen [1] escrevi:
Why my char lv 38 hve prem but why? Nt in top 100??
In this web
warrior_male Batboy w22 Offline
16 de nov. de 2011, 22:07
Topics: 12 Posts: 910

Top 100 wizards and top 100 warriors by exp from each game world are listed. Characters with PvP rank 100 or higher are listed. Top 100 wizards and top 100 warriors by achievement points are listed (from each game world). Other characters are not listed and we cannot add them at this time.

Batboy (w22), Tibia-ME.net moderator 2011
Ipen w1 Offline
17 de nov. de 2011, 09:05
Topics: 1 Posts: 2

No i mean in this web why? My char is now lv40 bt hvnt added yet
warrior_male WM-Molodoy w13 Offline
30 de nov. de 2011, 20:19
Topics: 54 Posts: 490

Ipen [1] escrevi:
No i mean in this web why? My char is now lv40 bt hvnt added yet
Batboy has already explained this.
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