Tecnolife w1 Offline
Jun 19, 2011, 7:25 AM
Topics: 1 Posts: 2

dear gm please help change tibia s60 v3,about we walk i collision at wall my charter go to ahead wall why that please help me dear gm please.
warrior_male Legado w30 Offline
Jul 12, 2011, 6:20 AM
Topics: 4 Posts: 20

Tibiame error eq

Stop dziecia neo :)
warrior_male Batboy w22 Offline
Jul 20, 2011, 6:22 PM
Topics: 12 Posts: 910

Please sent an email to support@tibiame.com or report it in tibiame official forum.

Batboy (w22), Tibia-ME.net moderator 2011
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