mo, please you ready help me, im forget my pin how?
And im not have e-mail how you help me a ready? Please you help me, my char is kastor world 14 please help mo!
what a pin recovery to e-mail mo? I'm not understand
in order to have a PIN Code Number at your character,Email are needed and compalsary to back up this feature,incase if your PIN is blocked,they will ask your Email to unlock it.
(forward this to gm) add a tug of war feature called world destiny which player had to chose either brotherhood or ancient mage with diffrent questline which later triggered monster+player raid to control a place. Some benefits will be awarded to members of a faction until another faction succsfully gain an item symbolize control. This could be happen anytime or certain time freme.
A quo
te from npc roy ( come back when you are dead ) understand it's meaning and we will know what's needed to be a great person.
(and this plz forward to mkiller) we not need armour restriction in order to use high lvl armour, but we need to used it freely for reducing chance of dying. However, it would be nice if the armour lvl are required to activate special effect where we chose effct either offence or defence effect according its durability (protection % ) such effect i suggested would be , fire as spread or reflect, thunder as drastic hit or dodge, holy as drain or heal, ice as frezze or mirror wall and hit as focus or weapon cracker. Hope u undrstand.
A quo
te from npc roy ( come back when you are dead ) understand it's meaning and we will know what's needed to be a great person.
(and this plz forward to mkiller) we not need armour restriction in order to use high lvl armour, but we need to used it freely for reducing chance of dying. However, it would be nice if the armour lvl are required to activate special effect where we chose effct either offence or defence effect according its durability (protection % ) such effect i suggested would be , fire as spread or reflect, thunder as drastic hit or dodge, holy as drain or heal, ice as frezze or mirror wall and hit as focus or weapon cracker. Hope u undrstand.
Oh its either like this. Its like an invincible sheild that makes attcking weapon loses its power or automatic move to backpack or even worse its either broken or dropped. One purpose only that is stalling time.
A quo
te from npc roy ( come back when you are dead ) understand it's meaning and we will know what's needed to be a great person.
They should have 2 quest,like :
1. Good way : helping people and doing the good things.
2. Bad way : doing bad things.
People will get to choose either bad or good. Hope I help