It's Double EP time again! From Friday (03.01.2025) until Monday (06.01.2025) midnight CEST you will receive double experience for your hunting efforts!
The Winterfeast is coming to town!
From December 16.12.2024 until January 05.01.2025 the Winterfeast will be celebrated in TibiaME.
Help together and earn a 10% EP Bonus for each killed monster or lift the secret content of the Winterfeast gifts!
The Second Update of 2024 is now live. Be sure to update your app to version 2.42 to access all the new features!
The celebration for the Winterfeast have began and you get unlimited access to all islands for FREE.
On Dec 11, 2024, we will make adjustments to some regional prices in Google Play and the Apple App Store. This is done to address the significant price disparities for our services between certain regions.
It is important to us that our services are equally priced and obtainable under the same conditions on all available channels for all our players.
try clearing app cache and data
if the game master are lazy like this, game are forecasted to be dead, is there someway to be a game master?
why update repeatedly and say double ep? it's last month pass already. manage your game tibiame
Game data and cache have been deleted but still. Every time I open the app, the message downloading data always appears and the message double exp lama keeps appearing. I think version 2.42 still has bugs
The second update is live? Bugs keep telling double ep, disgusting scam Cipsoft
Banuna Island still has a bug, the road near the bridge to the Northern Island portal can't be passed, a wall appears
Snitch V x Romusha undefeated
Please update so that there is a description of the duration of use of items. Such as blessed amulet, witch brew, spicy stew, etc.
wow lovely adding dark mode, so much easier on the eye.. can change the blue color got more silver? or a different accent of blue, hehe
E de qual mundo?
Selamünaleyküm Hocaaaam
@xQ8NhS blue background and text colors on dark mode changed, ranks colors adjusted to better fit all modes
aleyküm selam
aleykum salam
site looks neat
Will there be a desktop site version?
And also please include guild member levels beside like in the old, it was great to see the levels
What date is there a double expiry?
@wgReX1 website should be displayed correctly on desktop, guild members levels will be added
where are NPC banuna quest daily?
Why is the NPC in the Pentora Chaos Portal not responding?
You need to kill 100 Chaoslord for open this portal.
i can't change my profile informations.
do you get any error or what exactly is the problem?
my nickname Tunahan w37 i want to change with Tigreal w37 but i cant save
nickname change is not available on website as for now, you can create new account
delete my account lol
can i change mail
yes you can change your email in profile
Türk oyuncu var mı, varsa hangi worlddeler şuan
Why every login there is a notification a new offline hunting report is available
world 37 de 2 kişi varız. Ben Tunahan ve Halil
Why allowed people to use auto daily quest ? There's no more monitoring on that one huh? Some people who play manually also try hard to finish it some might be fail because of the time ends up & because of the lot people using bot. It's really disappointing
Haklısın reis. Bot kullananları esefle kınıyoruz.
There is no longer any monitoring, the game continues without any strong action from the company, everything leads us to believe that the Bot is something that the company wants to have in its game, even though this may harm those who want to have a good MMORPG experience, there is nothing else to do, other than to put the game aside or try to have fun despite it. Generally, there is only a stronger action by the game's moderators when the use of bots interferes with world login (preventing players from being able to enter to play because the world is already full) and also during events like Darkmoons Eve, I myself reported about 20 players, only the first batch that contained about 12, were banned, however, 1 month later the accounts were there, ready to use, in other words, it was a vacation.
Hunterra takes long time to finish. How pity for lower level hunt area full of botters. Bot troublemakers
War war war gas ayooo bajingan
Bruxa w39
guild members list now includes levels as requested, private messages system redesigned, Characters section added where you can add multiple characters and switch your website account name
thanks for updates. I loved the old feature of weekly, monthly, 3 moth, and 6 month ep gained it would be cool to have it back if possible
On the character page the next level bar is shown in blue color (at least on mobile version), however the number also has blue font so its not readable. Could you have a look at this please? Great website, thanks for all your work!
Can we still use j2me version?
@Tadician that info will be added soon
@Sartassa font color should be white, are you sure you are not affected by some mod/theme, could you test in different browser? Do you have dark mode enabled?
No dark mode enabled, I use Safari browser on iphone. I assume the issue is the phone recognizes the numbers as potential phone numbers and makes them clickable with blue font. The same happens with some daily ep gain numbers
I have added a fix for iphone but cant test it, please tell me if anything changed.
Quando vai lançar um novo servidor ?
added exp gain stats for past 7, 30, 90, 180, 365 days (if available) to characters page
The fix works, numbers are white now, thank you
omg you are amazing thanks a bunch
All unknown ranks (displayed as ? question mark) now will be calculated based on all characters listed across all highscores. In other words every listed character should have a rank now, even if the rank is below 100 (except PvP ranks as they work differently).
Why every login there is a notification a new offline hunting report is available...nick: notfound w1
open the player menue and open offline hunting. it's a thing that gives you free ep and gold while offline
offline hunting is useless now not functioning
What is the quest for the Northern Islands Portal in Banuna...Why is there no response from talk npc to run the mission?
the camp moved. you need to go left and go through the trolls cave and reachd ragons cave to find new camp
Why is my char not on the hunting and ranking list? Nickname not found w1
the site cant see all characters. Only topp 100 warriors + 100 wizards in terms of levels, achievement poinst, and PvP ranking(from arena)
Banuna Quest -
Banuna Quest NPC Drak quest 3rd name THE BIG THREE only gives 100 EP? it is weird coz the quest is hard fighting 4 bosses
Hi, i is new in the game
Maintenance on going. What will happened to every botters that keeps bothering the world with their laziness? GM should published names of whom get punishment. Wkwkwkwk kontol
dasar ahaha gk usah hipokrit asu klo sndiri guna bot jg
tibiame close game?
everyday logout and can't login
@WM-Molodoy w13 delete you fucker gm every week now you make server error and lost exp and platinum for what you give back platinum? but you waste my time
and lost plat from tournament 1char 1hour i go 5char you waste my time 5hour how to settle it???
this is a fansite, I have nothing to do with your platinum or char in game
GM Update 4D or 5D the Tibiame and 1 level to 20 make up fast the level, then the open world 3 or 5 Month open new world
Why does the NPC Ga'Tor in the Demon Lair Pentora portal not respond when talked to?
What have you in terms of relic quests? He ie a continuation after you male 199
Why my char Casperboo not found in rank? World9
Must be in top 100 by level, achiements or pvp
Hello! New in game. What world is a better choice to start a new char?
depends on what you are looking for. if you want a dead world where you can freely do anything you want go for w35, if you want peopel to play with w32 has an english speaking guild but there is also a lot of pvp there. or you can come to w23 where i play its full of idiots
Добрый вечер,может кто подскажет!!!После обновления до версии 2.42 у меня не обновляешься ,а потом вовсе не конектиться на сервер.
Game having connecting problems with some people. ask for help
Anyone know about spell for warrior 2 handed strike?
What about it?
actually i cant find any of the 3 under lvl 41. must have been removed spells
To the moderators:
Could you create a ranking of the best experience obtained within the guild?
This way, when the user clicked on the link of a certain guild, he would see what each member had gained in daily experience.
is this site even updated?
weapons are ending on 129
armour on 99
game items are not updated since game staff stopped providing official info
These sections are in read-only mode and/or not eligible for support.